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warnings: cursing 


You walk into May's apartment and make your way to the sofa before saying a word. You place yourself next to Peter and realize he hasn't even noticed your presence. 

He's staring intently at his phone, his eyes lighting up as he switches between reading and typing. Aww, Pete has a crush. They grow up so fast. 

"Who's the girl?" you say, lightly nudging his shoulder.

"U-Uh, w-what girl?" his face starts to redden as he stumbles over his words. 

"I'm messing with you, Pete. You'll tell me eventually."

"What if there's nothing to tell?" 

"As I said, I'll find out eventually. Where's May?" you ask, ruffling his hair.

"Getting snacks," he says, frantically trying to smooth out his hair.

"What're we watching?"

"Dirty Dancing"

"Excellent choice. 10 out of 10," you say, before excusing yourself to the kitchen to help May.

After the Movie

The movie ends, and you are now trying to figure out "the lift" with Peter. 

"Pete, you gotta trust me," you say.

"You're going to drop me. Let me be Swayze," Peter whined.

"No, noodle arms, you'd drop me."

"Fine," Peter comes running at you and jumping into your arms. You catch him perfectly and lift him, just like in the movie. 

May is now hysterically laughing and recording with not one, not two, but three phones. 

You let Peter down and give him a loving pat.

"See kid, sometimes you gotta trust me," you say, ruffling his hair because you know he secretly loves it.  

Peter pushes your hand away but gives you a warm smile. He says 'goodnight' to you and May, followed by short hugs. 

May hands you your phone, recovering from her laugh attack. 

"That was gold," she says. "Oh, and when I was recording, you got a text. I didn't read it, but I saw the name." 

"Oh, who was it," you ask, opening your message app.

"Tony Stark."

Oh shit. You're not mad that May saw, you were planning on telling her you two met. Just nervous that you have to do it now. Saying anything to her makes your feelings real, your irrational, dumb feelings. 

"I met him today at Stark Tower. We only talked for like 2 minutes, but we sorta hit it off and exchanged numbers," you say sheepishly, growing red at the memory.

"OMG! Look at you! You're blushing!" she squeals. "Tell me literally everything. Starting with why you were there in the first place."

And you do. You tell her about the Red Room and being trained with Nat -- without going into much detail, and she doesn't press. You tell her about your meeting with Fury, how he wants to recruit you to The Avengers, and you have until the end of the week to decide. And finally, you told her about meeting Tony. You profusely blushed, but May didn't judge; she was glad to see you excited about someone. 

You and May stayed up an extra hour to talk. She gave you advice about The Avengers and Tony. She basically told you you'd be dumb to turn down either -- but that she supported you no matter what. 

Impossible ~ Tony Stark x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now