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Warnings: cursing 

*you don't need to play the song or anything, i just wanted to add it because Y/N is singing it in this chapter!



He stopped walking when you turned around. Waiting to make sure you got on the elevator safely -- and to check you out. He was surprised by his pounding heart, knowing it was you who made it beat like that. If you had him feeling like this from one short conversation, he knew he was in trouble. 

He grinned as he walked into the conference room, still giddy from your interaction. 

"Someone's chipper," Nat comments.

"Ah yes, I love when I get pulled into unnecessary meetings," he quipped.

"This meeting is not unnecessary. Sit your ass down, Stark." Fury snapped, making Tony immediately react. 

"I want to commend you all for your bravery in New York. I know a threat of that scale is new for some of you, but you came together as a team and exceeded expectations. Moving forward, I would like to create a facility for the team and possibly recruit new members." Fury explained. 

Tony raised his hand, earning him an eye roll from Fury and quiet chuckles from the team.

"What kind of facility?" 

"Glad you asked," Fury said as he touched a button on the table and revealed 3D blueprints. "I want it to be a headquarters for you all. There would be bedrooms, training centers, a lab, and conference rooms for meetings like this."

"Would we all live there together?" Nat asked. 

"You could, or you could stay in your separate homes, or you could do both. Completely up to you."

"I like it. I'll build it," Tony says, pulling out his phone and quickly dialing. He walks to the corner of the room, allowing the rest to continue talking. 

The team agreed on the overall design and layout of the facility. Tony talked to his people and worked out a location. 

"You mentioned expanding the team. Did you have anyone in mind?" Steve asked.

"Yes, she and I met before this. I'll have an answer by the end of the week," Fury answered.

"That's all the info we get? What's her thing," Clint asks. 

"Yes, that's all the info you get for now. Her thing is enough to get on my radar," Fury says before walking out.


You'd love to overly obsess over your short interaction with Tony. Sadly, you have shit to do. 

You throw your bag and phone on the sofa as you walk into your apartment. You quickly get changed into jeans and a black top and grab your setlist off the table. You switch out your bag for a small hand purse and hurry to the bar under the apartment complex.

Once you get there, you walk in and throw up the middle finger to the owner -- your best friend, May.  

You were only 18 when you escaped, legally an adult but nowhere near mentally. May let you stay with her and her and her nephew, Peter. She helped you get an apartment in the same building as her, and she's been your best friend ever since. 

And if that wasn't enough, she got you a job singing at the bar once a week.

She doesn't know about the Red Room, though. You just told her you had to leave your home for your safety, she never pressed the issue.  

Impossible ~ Tony Stark x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora