{ end. }

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"I am waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near just around the corner. All is well."
- Henry Scott Holland




Cold, stiff, disoriented.

That's what Hyunjin felt when he initially became aware of himself again.

But as soon as his eyes fluttered open, warmth and serenity radiated throughout his entire body - from his core to the very tips of his fingers and toes. All of the nagging pain he'd become accustomed to in his old age had disappeared in an instant. The harmonious singing of nearby birds, the subtle breeze, and the burbling rush of the stream to his right immediately comforted his entire being.

Hyunjin sat upright in the field of luscious green grass and minute flowers he'd awoken in. Briefly inspecting his hands and forearms, he observed how they had been restored to their previously youthful appearance. No longer were they wrinkled, spotted, or swollen; his skin and knuckles were once again smooth, taut, and slender. The simple rose-gold band that held immeasurable meaning remained placed around his finger.

Kneeing his way over to the rippling water, he gazed into the depths to discover his reflection appeared just as he'd appeared many, many years prior. His eyes flitted to the chain hanging between his collarbones and gasped; his ring's mate that was always kept around his neck had seemingly disappeared.

Growing increasingly panicked by the second, Hyunjin propped himself onto his hands and knees as he searched the patch of grass that he had been lying in. He assumed that it must've fallen off before he awoke, so he meticulously combed through the greenery with his eyes and hands. After a while, and feeling defeated, he sat back on his calves and sniffled.

I kept it safe for this long just to lose it now, he lamented sorrowfully. His throat constricted around the painful lump he tried to swallow and his eyes began to sting with the oh-so-familiar burn of tears. He'd always planned on returning the ring to his lover, but now that he'd finally reached what he assumed to be the afterlife, he was left empty handed. His sensitive nature reared it's head as the reborn young man wiped away the liquid guilt that continuously rolled down his flushed cheeks.

A warm voice broke the relative stillness of the undisrupted nature, coated in a tinge of humour. "Still a crybaby after all these years, hm?"

Hyunjin snapped his head toward the figure behind him. Near instantaneously, Hyunjin released a caged sob as he scrambled to his feet and finally, finally leapt into his soulmate's loving embrace once again. Seungmin chuckled and wasted no time cradling him against his chest, allowing the elder's uncontrollable emotions to saturate his purely white shirt. When they parted slightly, he cupped the other's face and used the pads of his thumbs to swipe away the multitude of tears that clung to his beloved's face.

"Hello again, Jinnie," he greeted warmly after kissing the tip of Hyunjin's nose.

Seungmin's lips were swiftly claimed as a pair of arms desperately clung around his neck. He could feel Hyunjin's thin frame tremble against his own, so he hugged him even tighter and let their fervent kisses convey what couldn't be put into words alone.

It wasn't just the other man who longed to be reunited, after all; Seungmin was also ecstatic to be with his beloved after what was essentially an entire lifetime apart.

Hyunjin retreated slightly so that he could caress over Seungmin's features, almost as if he was ensuring that this was actually happening. The latter grinned and pecked his fingers when they passed by his lips, causing the taller man to blush as he mimicked the joyous expression. "Minnie, it's really you..." he breathed out before once again hugging him tightly.

"I'm so proud of you. You've done so well," Seungmin praised the elder warmly, paired with an affectionate squeeze.

"Thank you," a tiny voice spoke up from where Hyunjin's face was again hidden against his shoulder. "Did you see my letters?"

"I did. Thank you for writing so many to me... They really helped me feel more included, even though I always watched over you anyway... You're too clumsy to not need constant supervision," he added in jest, glad to make the other male giggle in response. "... Hyunjin?"

The aforementioned lifted his head and met his strong gaze, immediately getting lost within it.

"I love you."

"I love you, too," Hyunjin beamed at him as he took his hands into his own, his eyes practically disappearing from his blatant elation. "Oh! You have your ring!"

Seungmin chuckled once again, flashing his adorably braced smile. "Of course - you hadn't planned on giving it to anyone else, right?"

He quickly earned an abrupt and enthusiastic "Never!"

The male laughed, the sound of which caused Hyunjin's heart to swell that much more; he'd waited so long to hear it again that he feared he may have forgotten what it sounded like. "I know, I've always trusted you," Seungmin assured, lacing their fingers together comfortably.

Hyunjin swung their hands between them slightly as he surveyed their surroundings for the first time since they had reunited. Familiar clumps of purple-blue flowers joined with several others to outline the brook's edge. He observed inquisitively as Seungmin led him closer and knelt down to touch the cool water. He stood and playfully flicked the water at the other, tittering devilishly as he did. Just as Hyunjin was about to retaliate, a third entity entered their conversation:

"Seungmin! Are you here?"

The older boy gaped at the bellowing of his very own father's voice. Not wanting to let go of his beloved now that he had a grip on him, he dragged Seungmin toward the origin of the voice. Once he'd found the older man, he sprung himself into a crushing hug and pressed his cheek against his shoulder. "Dad, you're here! I've missed you," his muffled voice declared into the fabric of his shirt. The younger male happily joined the hug when Mr. Hwang beckoned him over.

"C'mon Jin, let's go visit the others," Seungmin suggested after the three had separated. Digits easily finding their home between Hyunjin's again, he led them through the colorful meadow and toward their new home, filled with their friends and family.

Never again would Hyunjin have to experience the loss of his loved ones, for at long last, he would spend eternity with them by his side. Death, nor anything else, could separate them.


{update 8/30/22 - I don't really like how rushed the end is so I'll have to rewrite it sometime... 🥲}

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