- Yes? May I know the name of the person that you are coming to visit? - He continued the game trying to get information, she took a few seconds to respond.

Vanessa considered telling him that she was looking for Henry Emily, because this was his home, but something inside her denied it.

"He is not interested"

- You don't care - The woman replied seriously as if she couldn't control her words.

The man frowned at her boldness.

- Do you know you're talking to an officer? - He replied calmly trying to calm the woman's bad temper.

- Do you think I care? - She didn't give in, turning to continue looking.

The house was empty and they both knew it. He didn't have to worry as anything of value she tried to take was already in custody and not in that apartment.

- The owner of this house passed away more than 40 years ago - The man replied in an attempt to get the woman's attention so that she would leave away.

"Roar with the teeth of a lion but bite with those of a mouse"

That voice echoed again in the girl's mind, convincing her to act more defensively without backing down.
She decided to ignore his words and continue searching, opening and looking at cabinet drawers, under furniture and behind tables.
Everything was empty and full of dust, as if it had been looted by expert thieves.
She considered going up to the second floor, when the boy's voice called her again.

- Can I help you with something? Perhaps I can give you some advice or answer any questions - He showed himself to convince her to get out of there, because she wouldn't find anything no matter how hard she searched.

Vanessa turned to him. This time, the voice said absolutely nothing, so she assumed that it might be useful to find information.

- I work at Fazbear Entertainment, and we are looking for information about the previous cases that occurred in the pizzeria franchise - She answered, it was not entirely a lie, but it was not true either, since she now worked alone.

- Fazbear Entertainment? - The man took a silence while she raised an eyebrow in uncertainty. - I can help you, but I need proof that you work there

Perfect! Finally something that would help. She searched her pockets, bringing out the Fazbear Entertainment official security guard tag.
She would reveal her identity, and maybe they would recognize her as the crazy one after the dying rabbit, but maybe, with any luck, she could get closer to her target.

- Vanessa? Is that your name? - Asked the man after looking at the card, she nodded and he continued with the conversation. - Well then, you should know that Henry Emily is the owner of this private property, and he passed away a long time ago.

- I am aware... - She murmured, urging him to continue speaking.

- His house is now in the name of his son, therefore, you cannot enter here without his permission - He replied, but before she could interrupt him, he continued speaking. - But I can talk and help you outside the house

She hesitated a bit, but ended up agreeing.
Both people left the home to go out on the front lawn.
Although it was daytime, the clouds strongly covered the sun, creating a gray shadow that completely covered the entire ground.

- Did Henry Emily have children? - She asked curiously.

The man leaned on the fence to continue talking more comfortably.

FNAF 6/SB: The Escape [ENG. VER]Where stories live. Discover now