Death from above

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Seoul:South Korea.
A few kilometers behind the frontline.
0930 hours

"Ah, finally some down time." A woman exclaim as she plop down on a chair inside a large empty communal kitchen after a very long week, especially with a war going on just few kilometers away. Deciding to treat herself, the woman rose up from the chair and made her way on one of the kitchen cabinet to look for a snack.

After rummaging around for a while she finally settled for a cup noodle. She took the cup noddle out of the drawer and start to preparing it. She started by opening the cup, then she open the packet seasoning and put it inside the noddle. After that she grab a kettle filled with boiling water and pour it to the cup.

She then put the noddle aside and wait for it to cook itself. She then made her way to a fridge nearby and open it and grab a bottle of soju. She then sit back at her chair, pop the soju bottle open and take a sip. She immidietly felt the taste of alcohol filled her mouth and she enjoyed it, it help her calm down especially when she's becoming more restless this days.

The woman then grab her phone out of her pocket and decide to scroll social media while her noddle was still cooking. When she open the app, it wasn't filled with the content she was looking for, instead her feed was filled with news account posting international headlines.

"A Russian army general was shot dead by a ukrainian sniper in the outskirt of Marioupol." one article wrote.

"six Indonesian cargo ships trasporting troops and equipment was sunk by a Chinese submarine off the coast of Thailand. More than 5000 marines and sailors was killed in action." Another article said.

"Battle of Ho Chi Minh city fought by the Vietnamese resistance and the Chinese military still rages on. Casualty figures are estimated to past one million." Another post said.

"Another skirmish between Indian and Pakistani soldiers had occured in the Kasmir region amidst the growing tension between the two nation." Another one wrote

As the woman kept scrolling through her feed, she found nothing other than news about the war. She then exasperatedly put her phone on the kitchen counter and took a huge gulp from her soju bottle to calm herself. "Is there no other news than war these days." She muttered to herself.

She wasn't alone in that feeling. Millions of people was tired of the endless news about the war. So tired in fact that she and alot of people are starting to missed the days when the news was filled with stupid and uimportant stuff like celebrity and political scandals.

She then brought out of her thought when she remember that her noddle was supposed to be done by now. So she left her chair, grab the cup noddle and the plastic fork that came along with the packaging, stir the noddle a bit before returning to her chair.

Once she's sat down she took a sniff to smell the noddle and as always, instant noddle smells great. She took sometime to admire it before taking a bite when suddenly the kitchen door swung wide open, revealing a young man wearing a flight suit.

"Alisa! we need to get out there!" The young man yelled.

"Takashi? What goin- Oh not again." Alisa grumbled as she's familiar with the look of urgency on the man face.

"Come on Alisa, no time for complaint!" Takashi said as he throw a pilot helmet to Alisa.

Alisa put her noddle on the kitchen counter and swiftly catch the helmet. The without a word both of them left the kitchen in a hurry. Alisa was annoyed that her relaxing time was cut short by this emergency, but she didn't complain, well atleast not as much like when she's in highschool. Afterall, this is her duty.

World in conflict:Girls und panzer fanfic (Under rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now