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A/N: This is a rewrite because i just relieze a few gramatical mistake and i also change some part of the story to make it more made sense.

In the year 2023, the president of China passed away from a heart attack. The death of their leader made the country of over 1.4 billion people mourn their leader death. 

While all this was happening, the high goverment official was stuck on a power struggle of who will be the next president of China. Allience was made and broken, many began plotting for their own good while planning their rivals downfall. assasination of political opponent became a common thing as hitman would stalk a assasinate their target in the middle of the day.

After month of bloody power struggle, one man came up on top that became the ruler of China. His name is Huang Zhao, a five star general in the chinese military. He originaly enlisted in the PLA in 1991 as a second lieutenant after graduating from an officer school. At first glance he was just another young man who wanted to served his country. But Zhao have something called ambition, lots of it, he began rise through the rank of the PLA, ussually through illegal means until he became a general.

After Zhao became the leader of China, he purge the goverment and filled the empty seats with those he trust will supported his regime. His leadership was very unpopular with the Chinese people however, because of his policies, rules and personal statement to his country and the rest of the world is hurting the chinese economy to the smallest part of chinese society.

He also inherited his predecessor ambition of reuniting Taiwan with the mainland and he vow to himself that he will do it within two years of him taking power. And to everyone shock, he did it. He funded the pro chinese group in Taiwan who's planning to overthrow the rulling goverment and reunite it with China.

In mid 2024, these group went into action. Aided by the Chinese special forces, they manage to overthrow the rulling goverment and the next day, they annouced their wishes to reunite with the Chinese mainland.

This coup was very unpopular in Taiwan and all over the world. The Taiwanese wasn't happy that they will be living under a communist goverment and the rest of the world are accusing China of  sponsoring the coup, which of course they deny and in turn anger many nation, mainly the United States.

Protest soon erupted inside Taiwan, but the Chinese goverment respond to this swiftly and brutaly. Many human right group accuse China of human right abuses and because of this, many country like The US, Japan, India, South korea and so on start to impose economic sanction against China.

But Zhao could careless about this sanction, he only saw it as a small obstacle on his journey to fufill his ultimate ambition, conquering Southeast Asia.

And so, after years of military buildup, planning with his generals and inner circle, he ordered the invasion of Southeast Asia.

On June 21th 2025, a day that will live in infamy, 1,000,000 PLA soldiers supported with tanks, artillery, fighter jets and bombers cross into Vietnam border and started the second Sino-Vietnamese war. Codename operation Sun Tzu, the initial invasion went well as the Vietnamese was caught completely off guard, the chinese advance into Vietnam teritory was fast and it surprise everyone that the Chinese manage to take so much land in a small amount of time.

This largely due to the Chinese armed forces, the PLA(People Liberation Army) have modernize it's military and train alot with their new equipment in the past year and it was made worse that the Vietnamese military, the mighty army that once kick many foreign invaders out of their country is now rife with corruption and nepotism among it's officers. 

World in conflict:Girls und panzer fanfic (Under rewrite)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon