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Author note: The korean words from the previous chapter are from google translate, so i'm sorry if there is alot of error.


(Rama IX military base: Thailand)
0600 hours

Rama IX military base is a large and newly build military base in the northern outskirts of Bangkok named after the late king of Thailand, Bhumibol Adulyadej. This military base was build by the combined effort of the nation that make up the Pacific Defence Coalition in order to housed their troops and equipment before being sent to the frontline.

The giant military base covered land half the size of Singapore and it housed over 900.000 military personel from more than a dozen nation different nation. Its also host multiple airbase for the coalition airforce and hundreds of garage for its tanks and armored vehicle.

Because of the base importance to the coalition, it was heavily protected. The base perimeter was surrounded by barbed wires, motion sensors, watch towers, dozens of check point, hundreds of machine gun nest and thousands of landmines to protect it from ground attack.

And to protect itself from airstrike, there are multiple radar sites around the base to warned its defender of an incoming air attack. Fighter jets are at the ready 24/7 to fly and repel any attackers. SAM system and AA guns such as Phalanx CIWS and Oerlikon Skyshield are place on strategic position to shoot down any hostile aircraft.

The point is, the coalition are not taking any chances.

As the morning sun grace the military base with it's presence. The base itself have been buzzing with activity long before the sun has risen. Platoon leader would wake their men up before sunrise for a P.T excercise, logistical soldiers are up all night managing newly arrived equipment and vehicle. Fighter jets, bombers and UAV's would made take off to go on a reconnaissance or an air raid while many more would land and most importantly fresh troops would arrived at the base on a daily basis.

Even though almost everybody is wide awake by this point, for one such woman, her day has just began. Miho Nishizumi was still asleep at her bunk bed, usually she would be up by this point, but last night she and her fellow tank commander attended a meeting that lasted until midnight and it was exhausting for her.

Slowly her eyes began to twitch as her body began to wake up, and suddenly her eyes shot wide open, she then immidietly got off her bed and panically grab her uniform which was hanging of her bunk and trying to put it on. Yet she stopped when she realized that she didn't need to hurry as she have nothing on her schedule for today as today was sunday.

Miho was conteplating whether she should continue her sleep or not but immidietly brush of the idea as if she was needed or if there's an emergency, it would be easier to deal with it if she was awake.

And the other reason is, she's always wake up early because of the habit implanted in her mind when she was in Kuromorimine as that school started way earlier than other school in Japan so Miho always wake up early, with some exception when she was late by a few minutes when she was super tired.

After she calmed herself down, she grab her uniform and a towels and made her way out of the barracks toward the communal shower room. On her way out she notice that Mako was still asleep on her bed. Miho just smile and as she exited the barrack, she walk passed Riko A.K.A Erwin and her crew playing a board game, She exchanged a few words with her before exiting the barrack. 

When she was outside, she was greeted by the pleasant smell of the morning air being mixed with exhaust coming from helicopter that kept flying over the base. She then made her way to the communal shower area. 

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