Nowhere left to run

Start from the beginning

"I don't care, a little math and average college is no big deal if it means I'll get to be with y-you."

Teruhashi was drilling the floor with her eyes. Yare yare, she's stubborn in the most annoying ways. I don't really care about college, since I can know everything I need to whenever I need to. But having her jeopardize her future for a fleeting crush is not something I need on my conscience.

"Here's your order, hmm? Everything alright Teruhashi? Your face is bet red."

"Hmm? Oh.. uhmm.. It's just a little bit too hot for me that's all."

"Oh sorry about this, I'll go tell the owner to turn up the air conditioning straight away."

"Thank you."

Our order is finally here. Ah the coffee jelly is as good as always. I wish this moment would last forever, but alas; life is cruel.

"Hey Saiki? Say aah"

[Ahm.] Hmm? What? What the hell was that? I was lost in my coffee jelly world and ate it on reflex, but wasn't that really reckless?

"Is it good?"

[Well yes, but hey! Don't do something like that without warning, I almost choked. If Mera saw us, we wouldn't be able to explain this with just talking about college.]

"Ehehe, sorry. I couldn't help myself. You looked so happy when I did that at your birthday that I just had to try again."

That's because it wasn't me. Yare yare, seems like I can't let my guard down around you even for a second.

"Can I have some of yours?"

Ordinarily I would refuse, but she did give me some of hers and I hate being in debt.

"Itadakimasu! Mmm... its good! I like how it feels in my mouth."

She's reaching for seconds. Good grief, even my coffee jelly is being violated. There's nothing holy in this world after all. Well, back to the topic at hand.

[*sigh* How about we both change our options to what you wanted?]

"Hmm wha-? *hrk* *cough* *cough* *cough* I'm sorry, how unbecoming of me... did I just hear that right?"

Yare yare, don't talk while you're eating.

[Yes, I said I can go to the ones you prefer, so you don't have to downgrade. No big deal.]

"Eh? Are you serious? ...But won't it be difficult for you?"

[Don't worry about it.]

It's been a while since I've flexed academically, I kind of even miss the feeling. I almost lost it when Nendou got a higher mark than me once, but I kept it together all this time regardless. But now that it's the third year, there's nothing unusual for someone average to give it their all and get higher grades for college. It's a cliched trope in manga even so it shouldn't attract attention... I hope at least.

Whaaat? Did Saiki really just say that? I'm so happy! That's basically a confession! I can take it as a confession, right? No it's not and you can't. And what's with that smug look? It's like he's saying he was holding back all this time. Will he really be okay? But I can't help but worry... if he fails it will be all my fault... wait a second, I can use this! This is a chance!

"Uhm... you know, it's not like I don't believe you, but if it makes it easier, maybe we could study t-together? I can help you."

Yare yare, she got some weird idea again, although if I think about it, it's not really that bad. With her power she can make even a random extra win a three-legged race, with just one leg, while carrying her. If word got around that Teruhashi-san helped me, I could even get away with having the highest grade in school without anyone questioning it, hell it might even be expected of me. Her power is truly terrifying. And a nice girl would've helped anyone, it just so happened that I applied to the same college as her, so there's no reason to be jealous about it. Well, that last part is a bit of a stretch, but it shouldn't get worse than it already is at least.

[Yes, I guess that would make it easier. Thanks.]

"Really? T-then it's okay if I drop by to study occasionally?"

[Yeah, but don't overdo it. I value my alone time.]

"Sure! I understand, thank you!"

Kyaaa! Did I just get permission to have as many study dates as I want with Saiki? Is god finally going all out for me?

Good grief, I just told you not to overdo it. Well, she was already dropping by pretty much whenever she liked for one reason or another, and my mom is always on cloud nine whenever she visits... I've got no allies in my own home, seriously what a pain.

Afterwards we talked about what stupid things our friends have gotten into recently, the meteor, school and other non-important stuff, then left a tip for Mera's college fund, and then finally headed back to our respective homes.

We're just about reaching the intersection that will separate us.

"Uhm Saiki? Do you want to maybe go to the amusement park this weekend? If you don't have any other plans that is." I'm still salty he brought that brat with him last time. I want it to be just the two of us at least once.

Even if I say I have plans, next time she'll just book me through my mother. You won't let me rest even during weekends huh, what a pain.

[Okay, we'll go. You brought the tickets last time so I guess it's my turn now.]

"Great! And don't bring that bra- e-eh I mean Yuta-kun with you this time okay? Just the two of us?"

[*sigh* Fine.]

"Alright! Today was really fun Saiki! Thank you! And see you tomorrow!"

Now she's happily walking and thinking how I'm finally escorting her somewhere, even though she was the one who invited me, good grief. Today has been way too eventful for my liking, but finally it's over. Now what the hell do I do about all of this?

Teruhashi-san wants to be confessed toWhere stories live. Discover now