They also do a lot of kissing. The kind of kissing that you get lost in, the reunion type and the desperate type . The kind that says 'Hi I'm here. I missed you'. The kind that says 'I'm yours.'

Selene moves so she's sat on top of him, looking down at him with a giant smile as she talks about everything she's learnt. She tells him about Remus, how wonderful he is and how she's no longer afraid of magic. She talks about her Mother. She talks about how much she's missed him. He kisses her in return, his face blushing violently, thankfully hidden by the dark night.

"When I'm older, I'm going to change the ministry's laws for werewolves." She says confidently.

Zion smiles at her, "I believe you will."

She kisses him again, grateful that he believes in her. That despite her condition, he never treated her any different or showed any doubt in her heart even when she had. She leaves tiny pecks all along his sharp jaw, he smiles hopelessly before she kisses his mouth again. He missed her. He'd missed her so much. Now he was back with her again, he never wanted to be without her ever again. He'd join Remus' classes, he'd join the Order- everything and anything she was part of. He'd follow her to end of the Earth and back again if she needed him to. He'd do anything for her. Absolutely anything at all.

Eventually, as the sun starts to rise she curls besides him, he swirls patterns with his fingers on the small of her back as she falls asleep in his arms. As he falls asleep, he buries his head in her hair and promises to always look after her.

The following day, Remus swears loudly in surprise as he opens his daughters bedroom door. It was midday, she was still sleeping and frankly she had lessons. He hadn't expected Zion to be cuddled up in bed with her. Sirius and Tate appear at the door besides him,Sirius' eyes widen at the sight of his eldest son in bed with Remus' daughter.

"FUCK." He yells louder than Remus had.

The two teens stir awake, taking a moment to remember where they were and who they were with as the three Dads stare at them.  Sirius has his arms crossed, his eyebrow raised sternly. Remus has his hands on his hips, both his eyebrows raised as he looks between the two of them. Tate is standing a little further back, pressing his lips together as he tries and fails not to laugh.

Remus shoots him a look, "This isn't funny."

Tate nods apologetically as he tries to suppress his laughter, "I-I'm just going to go."

He holds his laughter until he reaches the staircase, then a loud booming laugh can be heard descending down the stairs. Sirius shoots Remus a sideward look, he was livid too but how did they handle this?

"We didn't do anything." Zion speaks up, jumping out of bed fully clothed in his jeans, "I just crashed here after telling her I dropped out of school."

"You did what?" Sirius seethed.

He wasn't a fan of how things were going at Hogwarts recently but he also didn't want his son to miss out on his education.

"I thought you'd be easier than Mum." Zion groaned, "Listen, it's worth it trust me."

Sirius waits impatiently, he taps his foot expecting Zion to elaborate but he doesn't. Zion just stares at him blinking.

"Well?" Sirius snaps.

"Are you mad at me?" Zion asks in a small voice.

Sirius sighs, "I don't know the full story yet..but Merlin help you when your Mother sees you."

Zion bites his lip, "We could always just not tell her?"

"Nice try." Sirius snorts, "Come on, family meeting downstairs. You can explain to everyone why you've dropped out in your final year."

It takes two | Sirius BlackМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя