Kate makes her way to Remus, sitting besides him on the hardwood floors and rubs his back as he starts to cry. She had overheard the argument between Remus and Tate, she probably shouldn't have been listening but she was praying silently that Tate would stay. Remus needed someone to just stay.

"He left me." Remus whispers, "He actually fucking left me."

"He will come back." Kate reassures, "He always comes back."

Remus scoffs bitterly, "Not this time. Not after that. It was Pete's funeral. His funeral, Kate. You don't do that to someone."

"What started the fight?"

"He wants to move away. I said no." Remus snorts to himself, "I said I wasn't leaving you or the children. He said you could come with us."

Kate blinks in surprise, "He said that?"

"He also said I'd have to stop arguing with you. That it was toxic for the children to be surrounded by so much fighting." Remus adds with a shrug, "I told him we'd make it work."

"He isn't wrong.." Kate whispers sadly, "I just wish someone else believed in him."

Remus bites the inside of his cheek as tears fill his eyes, "Listen, Kate, I don't want to fight. Not today. Today has been an awful day."

"Okay, no fighting." Kate nods in agreement, "But only for today, we're fighting again tomorrow."

"Shut up." Remus snorts as Kate stands up offering him her hand.

He takes it as he struggles to his feet, he lets a small whimper escape his lips as he regains his balance. His legs and his hip had been killing him, the full moon had been the worst by far. He was without his pack, having Tate just wasn't the same as having the Marauders and it hurt.

"You should get a walking stick." Kate says as she lets Remus lean on her for support.

"Piss off. I'm twenty two."

"I'll get you one for your twenty third birthday then."

Remus glares at her, "Don't you fucking dare."

"It'll be from the kids."

"Piss off." Remus mutters, "Don't use them against me like that."

She sits him down on the sofa and raids the drinks cabinet. It was ironic how she had lectured Sirius about drinking away his problems but here she was doing exactly the same thing. She grabs two glasses and starts pouring the alcohol in them.

"Might as well bring the bottle over." Remus says with a shrug, "I want to feel sweet fuck all."

Kate brings the bottle, they both down their glasses before passing the bottle between them both in silence. Remus is taking significantly longer gulps, his eyes stinging from tears and strong liquor.

"To Pete." Kate whispers, her words getting caught in her throat.

Remus nods, "To Pete."

He starts to cry, hearty big sobs as he stares at a photo on the fireplace of the four friends together. He was the only one left. He always thought he'd be the first to die for obvious reason. He assumed he'd die from a bad wolf change or an attack on him in his wolf form. He had more reason to die than the others. James used to tell him off for smoking too, he'd remind him how disgusting it was and how it was rotting his insides. 'Leading him to an early grave.' James had called it.. yet Remus was still standing and James was gone.

It takes two | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now