Chapter 7 "Breakfast Club"

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You wake up early the next morning to sunlight streaming in from the large windows. Where am I?  You wonder as you rub the sleep from your eyes and gain your bearings. Then it hits you.

The tequila, the vomiting, Snape. You gasp in disbelief, covering your mouth to keep quiet. You bury your face in embarrassment. What is wrong with me! I am so dead. You sit up, and your mind drifts again to last night.

"I like you, Snape."

You want to scream. You want to crawl into a hole and die. You look around the room, it seems quiet. Then you look down at the coffee table and see a folded note with your name on it.

Saturday Detention. Don't be late.


You groan with a giant hangover as you walk towards where you think Saturday detention is held, disheveled in yesterday's clothes. You whimper self-consciously as you recall last night. Singing? Really? In front of your Potion's Professor? You berate yourself in humiliation. Spending Saturday morning cleaning toilets is the least of your problems. You don't think you can ever face Snape again.

You turn the corner to see a familiar first year sitting on a bench outside of the room. It's the infamous Harry Potter. The two of you are early and the door to the classroom is locked. Harry looks out of sorts; you can see it on the first year's face. He looks at you approach only to turn away in disgust at the sight of your green robe. You're aware of the long-standing rivalry between Gryffindors and Slytherins, although it seems stupid to you. But his reaction says more than just petty house rivalry. You sit down on the bench a few feet away from him.

"Hi... Harry." You say in a gentle voice. "What's the matter?... You know, besides reporting to Saturday detention at 7am." You chuckle.

Harry doesn't laugh back with you, or even smile. His shoulders are slumped in defeat with a face of melancholy. "Why do you care?" he responds coldly. "You're just like the rest of them."

You get it. He doesn't trust Slytherins, nor does he even know you outside of passing in the halls.

"I know you don't really know me outside of passing, but I've had my fair share of bullies, so I think I have an idea of what you're dealing with." You sigh. "I may dress in the same colors, but not all of us are the same." You reply gingerly.

He stays silent.

"Have you been having issues with some of the first year Slytherins?" You ask, already knowing the answer.

"Not just them." he interjects. "Snape hates me. I can't do anything right according to him."

You put a soft hand on his shoulder. "It's definitely valid to feel some animosity towards Snape given all of the negative encounters you've had with him, but in his own way, he's just trying to look out for you."

He scoffs. "You mean have it out for me."

You sigh. "Harry, no one person is 'all-good' or 'all-bad'. We all have both light and darkness inside." He looks at you, puzzled.

Snape makes his way down the hall around the corner.

"You know why Snape is my favorite professor?" you light up in a smile.

Snape stops in his tracks before turning the corner after hearing his name said from your familiar voice.

"It's because he is so unapologetically himself, no matter what. How freeing it must be to not have to worry about being liked by other people. To just be genuinely you, even if it is to a fault." Harry turns towards you in disbelief at your words.

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