Chapter 37 - Maybe us

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2 months later

It was already night time, but you still had work to do.

Paperworks weren't your thing to begin with, but doing it nonstop on a day to day basis was draining. But still, it did pay well. Very well.

You were currently working while inside your cubicle.

You weren't a boss perse, but working close with Sana's family did get you very close to the top. Her Grandfather.

You weren't a big shot in the company, but you were still an asset in a pretty high position. Sana's father having taking you under his wing.

Soon, the employees started going home.

Lights were getting shut, and computers were getting turned off.

The employees started dwindling and dwindling, while getting later into the night.

You were still working on a presentation that Sana's dad was to present tomorrow, and it was the last thing you had to do before you could go home.


You look down and smile, seeing who was calling your phone.

Tz- Hi, Oppa

Y/n- Hey, Tzu. How's shooting going?

Tz- I just got done

Y/n- Really? Man, I can't wait to watch it. The cover you sent me was really amazing. I played it the entire time I was here at the office

Tz- Jinjja? Well, I'm glad to hear that, Oppa. If you always do that, then I might have to release a solo album only for you

Y/n- You might just have to. I can't get enough of that sweet voice of yours haha

You were both giggling around, but you both know you missed each other dearly.

Tz- Ooh, Oppa. Listen, the staff really appreciated the cafè truck you sent to the shoot. And of course I did to haha

Y/n- I'm happy to hear that. Though, I'm sorry it's all I can do

Tz- Aish, come on. I know you're busy, so even renting me a truck means a lot to me. *Sigh* I just wish you were here to celebrate with me when the melpro comes out

Y/n- Yeah, me too. But hey, maybe when the office isn't too busy, me and Sana can fly back there for a vacation

Tz- Really?

Y/n- Of course! I've been really thinking about it, the only real problem is schedules

Tz- *Sigh* Yeah. I know that. That's why I miss you more and more each day

Y/n- Me too, Tzu. I miss you... like, a lot-lot

Tz- Come here soon, I miss your lips more than you think

Y/n- I'll try my best, Tzu

You couldn't see her, but from her breaths alone, you could tell that she was smiling.

Collab to Love (A Twice x Male Reader Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora