Chapter 27 - What about us

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(A/N Longest chapter I've ever done.

Just wanted to say thanks for all the love and support for this silly idea of a story that turned into this book. :p

Word count: 45k)

Hearing the birds chirping, you finally start to wake up. You feel something warm laying on top of you, it was the most familiar feeling ever.

You didn't even need to open your eyes to know who it was.

You wrap them in your arms and inhale their wonderful scent.

You finally open your eyes slowly, the sun almost blinding with how bright it was shining through the window.

Dahyun was sleeping on top of you, both of you naked from the night before, And what a night it was. You and Dahyun had an uncountable amount of sex after what happened last night. Some things that you did with her, unexplainable.

Dahyun finally starts to move around and wakes up. She slowly opens her eyes and looks up to see you smiling at her.

Y/n- Hey

Dh- Hey

Dahyun leans up and connects her lips to yours. Soft, warm, and gentle, the way she always felt.

Dahyun pulls away and smiles at you, she couldn't help but get her eyes to water while looking at you.

Y/n- I'm sorry... about everything... I've caused you so much pain, I don't even know how I can make it up to you and...

She places a finger on your lips.

Dh- Try shutting up as a start

Dahyun sits up and you also sit down opposite of her.

Dh- Y/n, I'm not going to lie, you hurt me with what you did...

You hold Dahyun's hand.

Dh- I have one question; why did you do it?

Y/n- I... I got blinded by lust... I didn't know what was controlling me, I got so distracted with something new that I lost track of what really mattered to me

Dh- And what is that?

Y/n- You...

You say as you look her directly in her eyes.

Y/n- And I know you can never forgive me, but if you're willing... I want to give us a shot

Dh- Don't lie to me, Y/n

Y/n- I'm not, I'm willing to do this, I don't know if you are, but I am. This is the only time that I'm actually serious about something so don't you dare laugh

Dahyun chuckles softly. She then places her hand on your cheek and comes closer to you, her forehead pressed against yours.

Dh- I'm willing to do this too, Y/n, but I need assurance, I can't have us getting torn appart by other women...

Y/n- I won't anymore. I promise you with all my heart, I won't do it anymore. Having to see you find out that way last night... it hurt me like hell and I'm sure it also hurt you. I'm so sorry, Dahyun

Dh- Swear, Y/n

Y/n- I swear from this day forward

Dahyun holds your hands in between the two of you.

Dh- Then let's give it a try

She says with her usual warm smile, only this one was filled with hope in her eyes.

You smile and immediately wrap Dahyun in your arms. Dahyun tears up as she hugs you back.

You and Dahyun remained in the hug for a good while, never breaking and just letting each other feel the warmth of each others body.

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