Chapter 33 - Broken path

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Laying in the same bed, the same cabin, with the same girl wrapped in your arms, you were frozen still.

Dh- W-wait... what do you mean you think you're pregnant?

Sana takes a deep breath, taking a look at all the girls surounding her, either in the same frozen state as you or with general confusion in their faces.

Sn- With all the signs I've had the past few days... weeks even... it's just...

Sana falls to tears, but you remained frozen, unable to think of anything in that situation.

Jy- Sana, is this the reason for your cravings?

She nods.

Jh- And your sleep, you being always tired?

She nods again.

Everyone was as confused and as shocked as you.

Ny- How is that even possible, Sana? We always take pills

Sn- I know but when Oppa went to Taiwan, I must have missed a couple of days...

Tz- That night

They all look at Tzuyu while you remained stoic, looking forward and unresponsive.

Tz- The night when Oppa came back to us, when we all slept together

Ch- Wait, Unnie, when we had the orgy, were you off the pills?

Sana takes another breath.

Sn- I must have missed a couple days, I wasn't thinking straight, I forgot that I was off the pills... I didn't know that I was fertile then

All the girls' face went from one of confussion, to one of genuine concern.

Dh- U-unnie, how could you not have known?

Sana shakes her head, forming even more tears.

Dh- Y-you "forgot" that you weren't on the pills?

Sn- I didn't know, Dahyun...

Dh- You didn't know!? Were you that horny to not remember that you were not on the pills? Were you so hungry for Y/n that you just fucked him without thinking straight!?

Jh- Dahyun

Dh- Sorry, Unnie, but I'm just really having a hard time figuring out how someone can "forget" that they missed a few days

Sn- Dahyun, please, I didn't know this was going to happen

Dahyun stares blankly at Sana.

Dh- You planned this, Didn't you?

All the girls were surprised at Dahyun's rash accusation, all of them snapping their looks to her.

Sn- Wh-what are you talking about?

Dh- You did it on purpose, just to get more attention from Y/n

Sn- Yah, Dahyun, I would never do such a thing

Dahyun scoffs.

Dh- So it's just a coincidence?

Sn- It's an accident. One I never intended to happen

While the two girls clearly had some tension between them, you remained still.

Mm- Oppa, say something

Momo urges you on, trying to make you respond for at least anything.

You were just unable to say anything.

Mn- Y/n, say something

You look up at Mina, your face was blank.

Y/n- This is just... I uh... I need some air

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