Chapter 44 - Back to you

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You were currently in your cubicle, overlooking some files before it was time to come home.

You had your feet up on your table, since most of your coworkers have already gone home. You had a juice box in your shirt pocket while you drank it from a straw.

Y/n- Hey, do you have another juice box?


Another juice box lands on your lap, courtesy of Mei.

Y/n- Arigatto

Mei- Meh

Both of you had your focus on each of your screens, almost in the same position as well.

Y/n- Did you save the presentation from this morning?

Mei- Yup. Did you send the projections to my email for tomorrow?

Y/n- Yup

Mei- Cool

Y/n- What time is it?

Mei whips out her phone.

Mei- Eight oclock

Y/n- Cool

Just then, Sana's father comes out of his office, ready to go home.

Snf- Well, if it isn't my top two employees doing what they do best

He says with a chuckle, crossing his arms as both you and Mei look at him.

Y/n/Mei- Hey, Boss

You and Mei look back to your screens.

It took a while, but the lightbulb finally lit inside your heads.

Y/n- S-sir

You stutter, almost falling from your chair as you and Mei fix yourselves on the chair.

He could only chuckle.

Snf- I could have expected that from Y/n, but you, Mei?

Mei- Yeah, hehe. Sorry, sir

Snf- It's fine. It's after hours anyway

He waves Mei off.

Y/n- Wait, why am I the only one that got a scolding?

Snf- Y/n, Mei covered your ass for all the days you missed. She practically did all your work

Y/n- But didn't she get my pay too?

You counter.

Mei- I didn't. After I heard of what happened from Mr. Minatozaki, I couldn't possibly

You were able to smile at this.

Y/n- Well thanks, Mei. I wish I could repay you somehow

Mei- You don't need to. But...

She stands up from her chair.

Mei- You could get me some Mochi on the way out

Y/n- From the stall outside?

Mei- Yes, Sir

Y/n- You got it

You stand up along with Mei and grab your briefcase.

Sana's dad could only chuckle at this as you all head on over to the elevator and go inside.

You were all smiles as the elevator starts to go down.

But that smile was quickly washed away.

Y/n- Ah, crap

Mei- What is it?

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