26 : The Letter

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Author's POV

"Y/N!!!! Are you fine? Did you hurt anywhere??" Alice quickly ran to her as soon as San called her that he and Y/N already here

"I'm fine" She replied and Alice hugged her

San just let them both having their space and turned around to get her things from the car

"Y/N.. Why don't you tell me?? Please don't hide from me next time!" Alice sounded sulky and Y/N said "Sorry Alice.. Next time I will tell you okay? Things just going too fast this few days.."

"By the way, thanks for letting me to stay with you" Y/N thanked her and Alice shook her head

"You're like my sister so you can stay with me anytime you want. Now I have a buddy for movie night" Alice grinned while Y/N chuckled

Suddenly her head hurt why this felt like deja vu. She felt like she had stayed with her before but she couldn't remember.

"What's wrong??" Alice grabbed her arms softly seeing her face slightly scrunched

San who turned around from taking her things quickly walked to them.

"What's wrong?? Are you okay??" San asked her and few seconds after she felt alright

She nodded with a soft smile never leave her face.

"I'm fine. Alice. San" She said and Alice rubbed her shoulder softly

"Let's go inside. You need to take a rest" Alice grabbed her wrist to help her and San followed them from behind

As she entered inside, she felt this place looks familiar but she tried to shrug it off.

San out her things on the room that Alice showed and then headed out.

"San, let's join us for the dinner. I've already cooked something for us" Alice said and he nodded

"Do you want to take a rest first? Perhaps shower?" Alice asked her and she said "It's fine. I will help you for the dinner"

"No no no.. You better seat and laid back on the couches while I'm doing it. It's Alice showtime in the kitchen" Alice blabbered and Y/N chuckled.

"Alright Chef Alice. Whatever you said" She said and Alice laughed.

She took her seat and she saw San already sat there at one of the couches. Usually she would feel comfortable everytime San being around her for this few days but suddenly she felt awkward around him.

"Y/N" San called her name and she slightly flinched from her own too much thoughts

"Thank you for considering what I have told you before. I will try to look for other place for you to stay. Give me one week" San said

"I'm really thankful you helped me a lot San" She said and then she turned quiet again

Y/N playing with her fingers when didn't k iw what to say. Curiosity started to hit her again

"I-I think I wanna have a rest for a moment" Y/N said and San said "Sure. Take your time"

She smiled and then slowly went to one of the room that Alice showed her few minutes ago

Slowly she rested her back to the bed and looked at the ceiling. Heavy sighed left her lips and she massaged her forehead

"I need to ask Alice tonight" She whispered and closed her eyes to take a short nap


"Bye Y/N.. I'll see you soon" San bid goodbye to her while Y/N nodded with a weak smile.

Psycho Love 2 - Choi San (ATEEZ)Where stories live. Discover now