8 : Jealousy

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Author's POV

She woke up with sore feeling all over her body and she touched her own forehead. Warm

It seems she had a fever. San rubbed his eyes and slowly opened his eyes as he felt she was moving

"Good morning baby" San hugged her waist and felt her body slightly warm

"Are you alright baby?" San snuggled onto her neck and he felt her skin was so warm

"Maybe just a little fever" She said and he quickly got up

"Let's go to the clinic" He said and she shook her head

"It's alright. Maybe I'll just take one day off from work today" She slowly sat up and he touched her forehead

"But first you need to go to the clinic" He said and she replied "After Anna come here, I'll go there"

"Sorry honey.. Is it because of me last night? I should have ask you first" San felt guilty if he was the one making her sick

She shook her head didn't want him to feel guilty. San got up and wrapped the towel around his waist, heading to the kitchen. He came in with a glass of water and two paracetamol

"Here" He sat next to her and she took it

"You should go to work right now. Anna would be here to help me taking care of Haneul" She cupped his cheek and then San pecked her cheek

"You're gonna get infected!" She whined and he chuckled

"I don't care love" He said before he enters the bathroom

"Erghhh" She groaned slowly when she felt like her stomach slightly hurt and the nausea feeling hit her but not enough to make her vomit

She rubbed her chest after the feeling went away and finished the last sip of the water while thinking "It must be I ate too late last night"

San walked into his office area and saw Rose was there with big smile greeting him, "Good morning sir"

"Good morning. What's my schedule for today" San asked as he stopped his steps in front of his door

"We have one short meeting this morning with Mrs. Sue at her place and meet our collaborators at the site" Rose said

"Alright. I'll be ready in a minute" San entered in and Rose called for the driver

Usually San didn't bring his secretary for a short meeting but because Rose still new, he would want her to learn more about this business

The driver already waited in front of the entrance with the company's car and San took his seat at the back while Rose took her seat next to the driver

It was a busy day for San because he had to go to two different places at once. The meeting with Mrs. Sue went on until lunch hour and San together with Rose had their lunch together with the Mrs. Sue at the restaurant near the building

San and Rose then rode the car wanting to go to the next destination. San took out his phone and called Y/N

"Hello honey.. How are you feeling right now?" San asked softly on the phone while Rose staring at him from the rear back mirror

"Make sure to take medicines as the doctor said okay?" He said and then ended the call with "Bye.. See you later honey"

Rose clenched her jaw. Was that her girlfriend? She wanted to know if San was single or he already had someone


Y/N just reached home after went to the doctor. Then she realised that she forgot to mention to the doctor that recently she always got stomachache

Psycho Love 2 - Choi San (ATEEZ)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu