Preparing for War (Chapter 12)

Start from the beginning

"Совет хочет нас. (Soviet wants us.)" Belarus spoke first, a slight tremble being detectable in her voice. "В оружейной палатке. (In the weapons tent.)" She continued, giving the Soviet states and territories in the clearing a bit more context.

"Мы все должны пойти? (Must all of us go?)" Turkmenistan piped up softly, looking nervous.

Estonia and Belarus nodded at her nearly simultaneously. Turkmenistan wrung her hands together, chewing on her bottom lip to attempt to ease her nerves. Belarus spoke up again after a moment of melancholy silence in the clearing, everyone knew what was ahead of them. "Мы должны идти сейчас, он дал нам всего десять минут. (We should go now, he only gave us ten minutes.)" She said, obviously worried about the timeframe. She wasn't sure how long it'd been since Soviet started the countdown, nor was she sure how long it'd take to get all the states convinced or confident enough to go with her and Estonia to the weapons tent.

Russia was the first to breathe a scoff and push through the grouping states and territories, trudging off towards the weapons tent immediately. With a deadpan expression, Kazakhstan followed Russia close behind, barely even glancing at Moldova when she tried to smile supportively at him. The large country's golden wings drooped behind him as he walked, and just like his eyes, the wings seemed dull and sad. 

With the two taking the first steps, they led the way for the other states to feel courageous enough to go towards the weapons tent. Belarus and Estonia waited to make sure everyone was going before taking the rear, following right behind Ukraine, who's footsteps were unsure and slow, causing him to quickly fall behind. 

Moldova looked behind her from further ahead and quickly went to his side, reaching for his arm to help stabilize and lead him. Ukraine, however, pulled away from her, a scowl on his face. "Не трогай меня. (Don't touch me.)" He hissed, making Moldova flinch a little in surprise.

"Это я, Украина, это Молдова. Извините, я должен был сказать вам, что это был я, прежде чем просто так схватить вас. (It's me, Ukraine, it's Moldova. Sorry, I should've told you it was me before just grabbing you like that.)" Moldova apologized hurriedly, figuring that's what was wrong, and reached out to grasp his arm again. 

Ukraine did more than just flinch away this time, he also pushed her away from him with force, palm striking her collarbone and sending her stumbling back a few steps. "Уходи, я не хочу, чтобы ты меня трогал. Я не хочу, чтобы ты был рядом со мной. (Go away, I don't want you to touch me. I don't want you to be around me.)" He growled lowly.

"Украина - что?- (Ukraine- what?-)" Moldova stammered, tears quick to start welling in her eyes.

"Ты глухой или тупой? Я сказал тебе, чтобы ты убрался от меня. (Are you deaf or dumb? I told you to get the hell away from me.)" Ukraine released a stream of curses as he quickened his pace, trying to focus on the blurry forms of the group of states and territories ahead of him.

Moldova would've stopped walking all together if it hadn't been for Belarus and Estonia coming up behind her and urging her to keep walking so they'd make it to the weapons tent in time. Moldova's head spun, her eyes filling with clear tears. No, Ukraine couldn't hate her! She'd already lost Kazakhstan, she couldn't stand to lose Ukraine too! But why was he acting like that? The only times he ever got angry was related to Soviet. 

"Молдова, продолжайте двигаться. (Moldova, keep moving.)" Estonia tried to ease to Moldova, gently pushing her on her mid-back to try and get her to keep stepping forward. "Вы разберетесь с Украиной позже, просто продолжайте. (You'll figure it out with Ukraine later, just keep going.)" Estonia continued, almost pleading. Moldova sucked in a sob and nodded slightly, now trying to push herself to walk forward, forcing her tears away.

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