Wash it Away (Chapter 10)

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"Who would ever want to meet me..." America mumbled to himself as he read over the letter South Korea had sent him. Him, specifically, no one else deserved this letter in South Korea's mind, only America. Why?

It was awfully kind and very heartwarming. America couldn't seem to stop reading it, somehow finding himself shocked every time he read it again. He was on his way to fulfill South's wish right then, in a helicopter flying over the Indian Ocean.

America was technically supposed to be in Europe right now with the other allies and any other countries that wanted to join the meeting and was deemed trustworthy enough by, at least, the majority of the allies. America didn't care about the meeting much, though, and Britain and France agreed to cover for him after he'd showed them the letter to explain why he was so eager to leave. He sighed softly and looked outside of the helicopter, where the air from a small window in the metal door blew at his face, causing him to squint. All there was to see was ocean.

He missed home, his home. That wasn't a place, that's not what he thought a home was. His home was back in his country or in Canada, surrounded by his citizens or his close friends. Thank God for Canada, America mused to himself. He probably would've gone insane without his friend up north. There was that whole issue with Canada burning down the White House but... America shook his head, clearing the thought. He shouldn't think like that anymore, he knew he shouldn't. It was only making him worry more, it only hurt him.

America folded up the small piece of paper and put the letter back into his pocket, huffing a soft sigh as he leaned back on the uncomfortable metal bench in the helicopter, staring out at the ocean again, watching as they passed over a small collection of islands he recognized as the Maldives. Still several hours of flight to go, then, America estimated, humming quietly to himself. He closed his eyes for a moment and rubbed his eyelids tiredly, soon opening his eyes again and shifting around a little in a futile attempt to get more comfortable on the bench. The next gas stop would likely have to be in Taiwan, one of the few Asian countries America would even be able to land a helicopter at.

Taiwan was a relatively new nation established after a civil war in China. Communism versus capitalism. Taiwan was, officially, the Republic of China. Mainland China was the People's Republic of China. When the ROC's government was overpowered, they fled to the small island of Taiwan right off the coast of mainland China. Millions of citizens followed them there while millions more who wanted to escape the communist regime of the PRC ended up getting stuck on the mainland due to varying reasons. America was quick to send some of his troops and weapons to the island to help keep Taiwan and his people safe. He knew that he was the only one stopping China from squashing the island country like a bug. Taiwan knew that too, even though it was hard for him to know he wasn't as strong as he was in mainland China anymore. It was, obviously, a very reasonable trade off for America to take a short rest and refuel the helicopter in the Taiwanese territory in exchange for the given protection. 

America made a huffing sound and watched as another land mass finally came into view. Indonesia, he decided after a few minutes of watching the islands that made up the country they were passing over. America frowned a bit and chewed on the inside of his cheek. He wasn't sure how Indonesia would feel about an unauthorized aircraft flying over his country. America didn't think that the copilot or pilot had radioed into Indonesia to confirm whether or not they could fly through what was technically his territory, even though they were far above the land itself. The thought made him feel a little guilty for not giving the pilots in the cockpit orders to make sure they were allowed to fly over the foreign territory.

He shook it off, it was too late to do anything about it. Besides, what were they supposed to do if Indonesia denied them access? Go over Australia or something? That'd definitely have taken longer and America wasn't sure if the helicopter had enough fuel left to make it to Taiwan if there was the added distance to travel. 

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