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And with that they both fell asleep with smiles on their faces.

They were drowning in eatch others warmth their bodies as close to each other as possible. Their tongues battling with one another in a playful manner. Sweat was dripping from them and their eyes were only focused on their lovers eyes.

Neither of them spoke only soft whimpers erupting from one's throat every now and then as their battle became more and more heated.

Xiao pulled away panting staring at the blonde hovering over him. Smile's tugging on their lips as they examined the other.

It wasn't rushed. It was slow and steady their kisses long and passionate.

Suddenly Xiao's face turned blank as he stared up at the traveler. His eyes looking away.

"You know this is dangerous Aether..."

"I do."

He responded his voice strained by now.

"Goodbye Aether."

The raven spoke closing Aether's eyes with his palms.


Aether awoke shaking and sweating. He clutched his chest and was about to stand up when he noticed the additional weight on his lap.

He sat back and glanced down examining the figure. Xiao laid there a relaxed expression on his face. You colud almost see a smile forming on the usually frowning face.

His hair was sprawled out in all directions suggesting him twisting and turning throughout his well deserved rest.

Aether chuckled and reached out a hand placing in on his cheek. The skin felt soft although littered with many small scars here and there... It was perfect in his eyes. He took the other's hand in his squeezing it lightly feeling the roughness of the skin that had experienced many battles.

He lifted his hand softly kissing his hand.


He felt as peace nothing hurt it felt oddly unnatural in a way.

He was used to his body being sore from bearing all the karmic debt within him that the feeling of numbness was a foreign feeling by now.

He hugged himself slowly enjoying his own warmth.

He then looked around seeing he was on top of a mountain the sun shining onto his figure embracing him.

He felt amazing, loved. All the things he hadn't felt before now overwhelming his body.

He then felt a tingly feeling on his cheek. He placed his own hand on it feeling a bit odd before the same tingling feeling overtook his hand. Then he felt a werid sensation on it. His hand moved from his face to his hand as he squeezed it lightly.

Suddenly he felt something wet on his head. He looked up and rain was pouring down on him. He shook his head sighing as he dreaded the moment being over.

Then he saw lighting heading straight for him. And before it hit him he awoke first thing scrunching up his face and wiping away the wetness that made it's presence known.

He opened his yellow eyes and looked up seeing Aether above him his hands covering his face.

He reached out and grabbed his hands sitting up.


He looked at him his amber eyes filled with tears.

Xiao felt his stomach drop.

'Had he gotten hurt when i was asleep?' 'Did i do something wrong?' 'Is he alright?'

"Aether? What happened why are you crying? Did something hurt you?"

"N-no.. I'm good just got... *hic* emotional."

Xiao sighed shaking his head he wasn't used to dealing with such mortal feelings. Not often did people feel comfortable enough with him to let him see them as vulnerable as this.

He akwardly hugged him patting his back genetly to not scare him as he definitely wasn't in his right mind.

"Whatever you say.."

He mumbled quietly before he felt the travel hugging him back tightly as if he was about to disappear.

"Thank you Xiao..."

///"Abnormal"///Xiao X Aether///Where stories live. Discover now