The Calm Before The Storm

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After we got home from the underworld, I immediately went and gave Diablo his body. The process was fairly simple, this method only uses the magical-concentrated water to form the material body for Diablo.

But for it to be a powerful enough vessel, that alone wouldn't be enough. I took out a humanoid doll and put it inside the growth capsule.

"I'll tamper a bit with your appearance, is that all right with you?" 

"Kufufufu, of course, Lord Rimuru. Feel free to do whatever you want. I would absolutely adore any sort of appearance you give me." To add to this, I'll add a slither of gold into his bones. I did this to the Demoness Trio too a while back. 

"And you two, since you're part of the first three demons to serve me... I'll give you two a service." 

Since these two sacrificed themselves to help me resurrect Shion and the others before, I'll give them something as a token of thanks. 

They were excited to hear me say those words, so I can't meet their expectations now. "How about I give you two powers directly from my own."


I could hear a muffled sound at the back and some loud banging, but I decided to ignore it.

"So, what do you say?" 

The two immediately knelt before me, "We will accept your offer, Lord Rimuru!" The bigger Demon seemed to be... very shaky, he's shivering a lot.

"Magnificent... to be gifted a power from our Lord, I couldn't ask for anything more!" (Big Demon)

 Obnoxious! This guy's way too excited! 

...I just realized, that these guys are from Diablo's lineage. So they're bound to be weird one way or another. (Rimuru)

On the other hand, the smaller demon was extremely silent. It's almost like it doesn't care about what's happening around it at all... (Rimuru)

Rimuru was completely wrong. The complete opposite was happening inside the smaller demon's thoughts right now.

Yes yes yes yes yes yes! Power directly from our Lord!? That's the greatest offering any demon could want from their lord! I'm worried that Lord Rimuru might notice me acting like an idiot, so I will keep my mouth shut. Lord Rimuru's the best. Go to hell, Lord Noir! (Small Demon)

This little demon only cared about Rimuru now. Whatever loyalty he had for any other being, on its words alone—

—everyone can go to hell! Lord Rimuru is the greatest being on this planet!

Shortly, Diablo and these two would become one of the most dangerous trios of the "Black Numbers" when there were those foolish enough to oppose Rimuru to appear. Even rivaling the "Demoness Trio" in raw power.


After a few minutes of adjusting Diablo's and the other two's bodies, they had come out in the tip-top condition I wanted them to have. They assimilated to their new bodies rather well and fast. 

"Does anything feel out of place? Feel free to tell me." (Rimuru)

I had to ask to make sure.

"No, Lord Rimuru. We feel perfectly fine." (Noir)

Great, then we can proceed to the names without a hitch.

First off was Diablo, "Noir, I grant you the name of Diablo. May you live up to my expectations with that name."

Diablo had kneeled like a knight in front of his king and said with a happy expression, "It would be my honor, Lord Rimuru."

"Next up is you two. I will give you two the names of "Asmodeus" and "Paimon". Do your best to fulfill your roles!" 

The bigger more intimidating Demon was now known as "Asmodeus". While the smaller and younger-looking Demon was now named "Paimon".

The reason why I named them outside of the growth capsule was so they could use my magicules freely. If I were to name them inside the growth capsule, they would no doubt use the magicules inside it. I wanted to save the magicules in the capsules for other Demons later on.

They start their evolution rapidly, a scene I'm used to seeing by now. And yet...

"I Asmodeus—" 

"And I Paimon—" 

"—shall offer you our loyalty until the end of time!" 


We returned to town after their evolutions were complete. I wanted to return without anyone noticing us. Things were going pretty well until we were spotted by Milim...

"Rimuru! You meanie! You left without me!" (Milim)

I was immediately caught in a tight grapple. 

"M-Milim, I already told you why I went there, right?" (Rimuru)

"No, I didn't pay attention! But it was something important!" (Milim)

At least she remembered the part where it was important. 

I used an equal force of strength to forcibly release Milim off of me. She was upset, and that was severely dangerous for my buildings.

I have to find a way to calm her down somehow.

"Okay, how about this, why don't we go hunt some Dragons together when I have time?" I nonchalantly made a promise to an upset Milim, but this served as a prevention of a temper tantrum.

Milim's eyes glowed brightly, "Are you sure?! You'll go hunting with me?!" 

I nodded, "Yes, and we'll even have a picnic during lunch. In return, can you please keep quiet about this to anyone who might ask?"

Milim didn't even hesitate to secure the deal. "Got it! Wahahahaha! I'm the best when it comes to keeping quiet!"

Yes, yes, I'll believe you for now. Milim tended to do the opposite, but right now I couldn't be bothered to care. 

Milim calmed down after a while. "So, Rimuru, what are you planning on doing by getting Demons to serve you? I mean, who doesn't like strong subordinates, wahahahaha!"

Milim's question prompted a little bragging session from me. "I'm glad you asked! The demons I brought in aren't your ordinary demons, as you can see. Guy will probably ask a lot of me soon, so I need a negotiator you see."

Milim raised her eyebrows, seemingly confused. "Negotiator? I'm not sure I get you, Rimuru. You're strong! You should be able to refuse any of Guy's requests! I know he likes to order everyone around, but that shouldn't be a problem for you."

I gave Milim a smug look, "That's thinking naively, Milim." 

"What do you mean?"

"While I may have the power to deal with Guy's orders, I can't deal with his behavior. To fight back against the unreasonable, you must also do the unreasonable." My smug look made Milim look at me with admiration. 

"As expected of my bestie! I knew you had something in mind!" 

Milim and I ended up talking about Guy behind his back when we had our Dinner that day. 


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