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"Why are you still following me?" (Rimuru)

Despite my clear denial, Guy somehow is persisting in making me a member of the Demon Lords. I know, I get why he wants to recruit me so much.

It's all about that game with Rudra, am I right, Guy?

Thankfully, when he appeared, we were located a bit away from the residential area of Tempest. I couldn't have risked possibly angering Guy right when he could rampage all over my city. I can stop him, but who knows how many would've been injured or died before I did so. 

I relocated us towards a safer place to sit down and share a meal. We couldn't just stand around there all day.

"Come on, just join us. I'll have you know, it's quite the honor for me to personally invite you." (Guy)

Guy had half-sarcastically said those words.

Milim replied to Guy, or should I say, added to his words.

"That's right, Rimuru! You're quite special, being invited by both of us personally! I'm sure you'd get really popular real quick!" (Milim)

All I could do was listen and digest their words. The food was taking a while to come here, I wonder why that was...

"I know, you two have quite the reputation. I'm well aware of the significance, but I'm also well aware of the obligations." I looked straight at Guy. "Don't you think it's a little mean to invite me just to make me fight the Empire?"

Guy made an amused face, "And what hole did you exactly dig up that information from? You're quite informed."

"Oh please, I know you know what I told Miss Velzard. You avoided that topic in front of my subordinates, didn't you? Thank you for the consideration." (Rimuru) 

Guy smirked, "I wanted to confirm whether you were saying the truth. And now that we're here, it seems like you are. Not many know the game between me and Rudra." 

Guy had a nonchalant tone, but I could tell there was a hint of seriousness in it as well.

"So, Rimuru," Guy paused for a moment. "Why won't you join us this time?" 

Why won't you join us this time... huh? As soon as Guy said those words, I immediately knew that he assumed I joined the Demon Lords in the previous timeline.

I told Velzard I was from the future, so she would naturally tell Guy. In all honesty, Guy visiting me after that encounter wasn't unexpected. I knew it would come one day.

Guy was sharp, he would piece the puzzle together on his own even with the tiniest of details. Milim's not even bothering to listen to us since she's more interested in the snack she's currently eating.

I reply to Guy, who was awaiting my answer.

"I don't need it for now." (Rimuru)

"Might I assume that; when the time comes, you'll assume the position of Demon Lord?" (Guy)

"Of course," There had been a lot of benefits for me when I received that title, so I would want to assume it again. "But for now, I'll lay low to catch my prey."

Guy laughed hysterically, "Kahahaha! So that's what it is! Fine by me, I'm satisfied with that. As long as you join the Demon Lords, I'll be satisfied."

Phew, that should stop him from asking me every 5 minutes to join them. 

I expected Guy to leave after that, but he stayed, to my blatantly unsurprised face. This bastard's done with his business, now he wants to play around after!

My horrors immediately came true. 

"So, Rimuru. Do you mind if we spar? I was quite curious about your strength. That earlier strike did a number on my mental state." (Guy) 

"I refuse." I flatly refused Guy.

Guy smacked his lips in disappointment, "You sure are stubborn... fine, what about an arm-wrestling match?"

You call me stubborn? Well, you're persistent and stubborn yourself you know? 

—But I wouldn't say that out loud. Sheesh, You battle maniacs sure like testing other people's strength, don't you? 

For better or worse, Guy was one of the "better" ones labeled as Battle Maniacs. Guy could use logic and reason to control the situation, but there were pure muscle-headed Battle Maniacs as well.

"Wahahahaha! An arm-wrestling match, you say? Count me in! I'm not gonna lose to either of you!" (Milim)

Milim was one such example.

Oh crap, I forgot Milim was here! She was just so entranced at her cookies just a minute ago though?! 

I shouldn't have underestimated muscle-brained battle maniacs. Their ability to sense a fight was uncanny.

"No no no! I haven't agreed to any of that! There will be no physical acts that will threaten the livelihood of this town!" (Rimuru)

Guy let out a disappointed sigh. While Milim was insisting on having an arm-wrestling match with me. "Rimuru! I need to exercise, to uh... b-burn these c-cawories!"

Milim struggling to say 'calories' was hilarious and cute. But I shan't succumb to that! Not that I know her true personality!

"No means no. If you keep on causing a ruckus, then there will be no lunch for you." (Rimuru)

That silenced Milim real fast. Hoo boy, this technique sure does work well against an Ancient Demon Lord.

After that, the three of us had a surprisingly civil lunch. Milim was busy chowing down on her food, while Guy kept asking question after question.  

"Sorry to interrupt, but I've finally caught my brother. Do you guys mind if we join you for lunch?" (Velzard)

"R-Rimuru! You've gotta help me! I'm being abducted—" (Veldora)

Velzard covered Veldora's mouth using a ball of ice. That probably hurt more than it looks. The sight of a grown man being dragged around by the neck by a smaller, almost frail-looking girl is beyond hilarious and scary.

Velzard glanced my way, making me stutter up in slight fear and allow them to eat with us. 

"G-go ahead, we prepared a bunch of food." (Rimuru)

The way Velzard forcibly locked Veldora's butt into the chair sent me the chills. I dared not to look his way, because I might see something I might regret seeing.

Dear Veldora, I hope you are fairing well.

"Now then, have you finished convincing Lord Rimuru, Guy?" (Velzard)

"I haven't, so you shouldn't call him "Lord" just yet. Stop with the formalities and enjoy yourself. Though, but I think Rimuru might join us in the future." (Guy)

{Yes. Velzard did address Rimuru with honorifics in the Light Novel after he joined the Octagram.}

"My~, that sounds wonderful." (Velzard)

Geh, these two are already trying to cement my joining of the Demon Lords. I hope they don't get too excited and spread the word to human nations. Though it's not likely anyway.

After that, they went home after eating a considerable meal and left saying; "We'll come back again. See ya." or "Take care of little Veldora for me okay, Rimuru? See you later~"

I was afraid to deal with Guy again, nor was Veldora ready to confront Velzard as well. But I had a plan for when that time came, and that is to summon a certain demon.

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