'Your mom seems like a..'

'A unique character I know, I don't know how my dad even married her'

He chuckled and with that the room was cleaned and you left.

'Thanks for the help'

'Well I have to keep up my end of the deal'

'Well bye, I gotta go'


You left in one direction and he put on his headphones and left in the other. 


You were mindlessly watching a movie and drawing. You were zoned out and it wasn't until you heard your roommate slam the door you zoned in.



'You want food I got extra'

'Sure, I need a break'

'Oh and you wanna go out, get drink with me and a few people?'

'Who's going?'

'I don't know, some people that's it'

'Sure, when?'

'In an hour'

'Sure I'll get ready soon'

For the next half hour you were still drawing and working on how the project would go. Your roommate was getting ready since she got back. She threw a shirt at you and made you get up and get ready.

'Okay okay, stop hogging the bathroom and I'll change'

'Okay, there I just needed to put my earring on'

You got your clothes on and put on light makeup and got out the bathroom.

'How the hell do you get changed so fast??'

'I've gotten ready faster, I always rushed to get ready, this is the slowest I've gotten ready'

'Huh...Okay, they texted me they're outside, let's go'

You both grabbed a bag and packed it with things. You grabbed a small sketchbook, and some pencils, phone charger, etc. While she put in a little perfume bottle, lipstick, and other things.

'Okay they're here!'

They pulled on in about 3 cars. Your roommate got into the first one and smashed her lips onto the driver, her boyfriend, and you heard your name get yelled out from the last car.

'Y/n! Hey get in'

You saw the same green haired boy from before. You ran to the car and hopped in. Turns out that Tsukishima was in there too.

'Hi there'


You immediately put a smile on your face and they asked why you were here.

'Well I'm roommates with one of the girls and she asked me to join along'

'Ohh, well I forced Tsukki to join along, and yeah'

You laughed and intertwined your hand with his.

'We're really gonna have to sell this god..'

'I haven't heard anything about you'

'Well, I'm Y/n, My mom is a model and my dad is professional photographer, they met on a set for this thing then they had me'

'Well that's your family not you'

Tsukishima implied and they boy laughed.

'Well he's not wrong'

'Okay well here's about me, I'm an art major, I'm an only child, My parents always supported me no matter how bad I did in school, and yeah, I don't really have any big secrets, tell me more about you, please'

'Well, I'm Yamaguchi, I have a major in electronics and engineering, I like fries I met Tsukki back in grade school and yeah'



One of the boys said and then a girl moved him out of the way and got down on one knee.


They both stood there quiet and you denied them.

'Sorry, no thank you'

'Aww man, but why?'

Yamaguchi stared at Tsukishima who had a calm expression on his face. He was confused, he thought he would have even a mildly annoyed expression on.

'I'm dating someone!'

Your roommate laughed.

'You? Dating? Since when? I thought you were single?'

'Nope! I have a boyfriend'

'You sure? Who is it?'

'None of your business'

'That means you don't got one'

'I do!'

'Then where is he?'

'Right here'

You heard a voice say. Then a arm wrapped around your shoulder.

'I'm dating them'

Everyone got quiet. That only lasted a few seconds because a fight broke out between two girls at the bar. You got up and told the other two that you should leave. They agreed and left to the car as soon as you all could.

'Hey are you okay to drive Tadashi?'


'You sure Yamaguchi?'

You tested him by making him walk in a straight line count how many fingers you were holding up and other things. Once he passed with flying colors you all drove back.

'So you do come to this college Yams?'

'Yup, but the others you saw go to different colleges and Hinata is on his way to Brazil'

'Oh cool!'

You all left to your dorms and slept. You stayed up for a little longer and let your drunken state fill a page with random sketches. Before you fell asleep you texted Tsukishima.

We can meet up tomorrow if your free

I rlly wanna get some work done!

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