Ch38: Tall vs Short.

Start from the beginning


"She's fine."

"Do you idiots do not understand what shut up means!?" Uzui screamed at them.

"Who's the one yelling jackass?" Iguro spat.

"Tell me are you the Serpent Pillar because you're a snake or because your only friend is an unflashy snake?!"

"Do you never shut the fuck up because you're the sound pillar or are you the sound Pillar because strutting peacock fuckhead pillar was already taken?" (Credits of this line to thefinaleliza on tiktok)

Uzui gasped, and Kaburamaru hissed happily.

"ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME?!" Tengen yelled at the snake.

"He is, now take it you sparkling giraffe!"

"To be clear I take the sparkling part as a compliment, and giraffes are cool, they have flamboyant designs on them!"

The Heterochromia eye colored man rolled his eyes, pointing a finger sharply at the Sound Pillar, "Other than being tall though, they're basically futile animals..."

"Tch..." Uzui crossed his arms, "Short people can be so angry."

"Tall people can be so annoying."

The two glared at each other,

"I can't believe I'm stuck with someone as unflamboyant as you." Tengen rasped.

"If Y/n and Amane-Sama weren't here, I'd be gone a long time ago..." Iguro grumbled under his breath.

Tengen leaned down, cupping his hand onto his ear, "What was that? I couldn't hear you due to your unflamboyant shortness."

"Fuck you."

"Oh please." Tengen stood up, hands on his hips, scoffing he continued, "I just told you, I have a great sense of hearing. I could hear you!"

Obanai grunted.

"That was total lie though, right?" The Sound Pillar smirked, "I bet you meant to say you're only here because of Y/n."

"Excuse me?" Iguro hissed.

"Oh please!" The man scoffed, "Everyone sees how flamboyant you think she is!"

Obanai side eyed him.

"Oh, please its true!"

"I could say the same about you."

"Excuse me?" Uzui raised an eyebrow.

"Yea that's right." Obanai snapped, his friend hissing alongside him, "You don't think I see you checking her out? You already have three fucking wives, go fuck them you horny asshole."

Uzui's face darkened, "Don't talk about my wives like that."

"I didn't say anything about them, I'm just pointing out your...adultery..."

"Does that mean you want to fuck Y/n then?"

Iguro flushed a bit making Tengen smirk.

"You heard me." Uzui chuckled.

"Don't turn this on me, I'd bet you'd love to betroth her." Obanai cocked his head.

"And if I did, what would you do about it?" Uzui asked reaching back his arms to grab his swords, "Tell Hikaru?"

"No need." Iguro narrowed his eyes, putting a hand on his blades grip, "Id make you eat shit myself."

Tengen chuckled, "I'd like to see you try, for I am the God of Festivities! No one can bring me-"

The two unanimously turned away from each other, unsheathing their swords.

"Sound breathing!"

"Serpent breathing!"

"Second Form; String Slash!"

"Forth form; Twin-Headed reptile!"

Two shocked demon heads, rolled to the ground. Disintegrating before they could utter a word, too shocked to speak.

"We need to find the two girls." Uzui said, now more seriously, "This is unflamboyantly getting too dangerous."

"Agreed, lets ask our crows for help they may be able to find Y/n more eas-"

"SQUAWK! SQUAWK! Emergency! SQUAWK! Emergency!"

The two men looked up to see Obanais crow Yuan circling above.

"Speak of the devil..." Uzui muttered.


Iguro immediately widened his eyes, he already knew....



"Y-Y/n-Chan?" Muichiro sobbed, face smothered into the girl's shoulder.

"I-Its fine Mui..." She bit her lip trying not to cry out in agony, "J-Just don't open your eyes..."

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