A smile crossed my lips when his eyes finally met mine. He cheered even louder, causing others seated around him in the Slytherin house to do the same. He chuckled at the roaring crowd, enjoying the attention I was getting for me. 'I love you.' He mouthed to me with a wink. I nodded my head softly, blowing him a kiss with my lips and turning back around.

The loud music blasting by the band wasn't helping my anxieties at all. I held my fist out towards Harry, waiting for him to pound it with his own. His anxious eyes met mine and his shaky hand did just that.

"Good luck, champ." He sighed, no evidence of a smile on his lips for once. I couldn't blame him either, I was just as scared.

"You too, Harold." I gulped, turning and facing the giant green hedges that stood in front of us.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows it's exact position. Now as, Mr. Diggory-" Dumbledore was cut off by the sound of many screaming students. "And Mr. Potter-" More cheers erupted, causing me to finally shoot him some sort of smile. And one crossed his face too as he glanced back at the roaring crowd. "And Miss Prince-"

"THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND!" A loud voice screamed, causing a series of boyish screams to break out in the Slytherin section as they hyped Draco up. I'm embarrassed. "Prince! Prince! Prince!" They screamed.

My face was bright red as I looked back at them with a huge grin. Draco was standing on his feet while all the boys dressed in black and green patted his shoulders and cheered just as loud as he was, holding up banners with my name. Many of them held up huge moving posters of my face, a gorgeous photo of me smirking and shooting a wink spread across it. Where do they even get this stuff? The entire stadium was raving now, as Dumbledore tried continuing his speech.

"All three are tied for first. Therefore, they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr. Krum, and finally Miss Delacour." Dumbledore told the crowd. "The first person to touch the cup will be the winner." He informed all of us. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I'm athletic. I'm competitive. I can do it.

"The staff will patrol the perimeter. If at any time a contestant wishes to withdraw from the competition, he or she need only send up a red spark with their wands. Contestants, gather 'round! Quickly!" He yelled, stepping off of the podium to speak to us. We all stood in front of him anxiously. "In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead you'll face something even more challenging." He warned.

I shifted my weight between my feet, and felt like my lips were raw now from chewing on them all day long in anticipation.

"You see, people change in the maze. Oh find the cup if you can, but be very wary. You could just lose yourself along the way." He whispered, his eyes glancing along each of us before they met mine. "You could lose yourself along the way." He mentioned again, his eyes moving back over the other champions.

"Champions!" He shouted again. "Prepare yourselves!" He motioned for us to each line up at a maze entrance. I held my wand in my hand and took a deep breath. I glanced back at Draco one last time, drawing a small heart with the sparks of my wand to him. His smirk grew wider as all the boys started playfully shoving and hitting him again.

"On the count of three," I glanced over at Harry, who gave me a reassuring nod. I smiled back at him, hoping that if I didn't pull this off, he could. "One!" Filch sent off the canon, causing me to burst into laughter while he shrugged. Harry chuckled at me before he nodded towards the entrances. Snape, who stood with me, patted my shoulder once and lightly shoved me in to the maze.

The farther in I walked, the darker it got before the fog had completely consumed me. The entrance had closed up behind me, engulfing me into the maze without a know of any escape.

Entrapment | Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now