His soft voice filled my ears. "You don't have to speak...your will to live is weak but honey hold on for me." I looked up to see him smiling at me.

He grabbed my hand and started dancing with me. "Butterfly Repose," I whispered while putting my head on his chest.

I could feel my throat getting tight and he started rubbing my back. "I know, I miss her too." I slightly looked up through my eyelashes and saw him looking forward at the picture he had painted a few years ago.

It was a red rose with red flames engulfing it making it look even more gorgeous. He painted it for my mom for her birthday. But he never got the chance to give it to her.

I pushed away slightly and wiped my eyes quickly, not wanting to let him see me cry. "Uh, I have to go to school. And also I have work so I probably won't be home till late, I'm sorry." He just waved me off and pulled me into a hug.

Once we arrived at school I turned to get out of my dad's car but then turned back to him to say goodbye.

He looked down and spoke softly. "You have to walk home tonight, I have to work at that new sight." He looked at me with guilty eyes.

I just smiled and tapped his hand. "Don't worry about it, dad. I like walking and please be safe you know I don't like you working with those big heavy metal things." I am always scared he will get hurt with him working construction and all.

He lifted up his sleeves and flexed his muscles making me roll my eyes. "You see these? Got nothing to worry about." I just laughed while getting out of the car. "Love you!" I heard him shout as I was at the front of the school.

I love you too dad.

I was walking through the hallway when I was tackled in a hug. "Ugh! Bitch I missed you sooo much!" Amirah my best friend made it seem like we haven't seen each other in a year. Leave it to her to be overly dramatic.

I let her continue to hug me while I dragged us to my locker. We were getting weird looks and Amirah started to glare at them.

Before I could stop her she turned and started to speak. "What haven't seen two gay girls before?! Get a fucking life ass holes." They all quickly walked away or looked down.

When we got to my lockers she finally got off my back and I looked at her with a 'really' look. "You didn't have to be so rude. They were probably just looking at me weirdly because of my hair or something." I tried to scold her but she just pinched my cheeks.

I swatted her hands away and then felt a tad bit guilty. "Sorry." She just shook her head and laughed. "Stop laughing, and we are going to be late, let's go!" I started dragging her to our first-period class and she dragged her feet.

We had to split up because she had to go to her English class and I had to go to mine.

I was walking with my head down when I ran into someone. I slowly looked up to see Dani the school jock looking down at me with a small smile to which I returned.

He put out his hand and helped me up. "I'm so sorry I didn't see where I was walking and-" I cut myself off realizing that I probably sounded stupid.

I heard a deep chuckle and looked up to see his bright blue eyes and his almost platinum-blonde hair move as he shook his head. He is good-looking but not really my type.

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