Chapter 3: Sub-Tyrannical Menace

Start from the beginning

"How did you even-? Alfheim vision." Raven voiced when she turned to face him. Raizyx's smug smile causes Raven to frown before saying "I hate you."

"Mini-maps are nice. They give you almost all the information you need about the geography and topography." Raizyx cheekily answered.

"Grr that's so unfair!" Raven stomps past him in a small fit of frustration. "You get my Odin vision through our bond so Why don't I get yours!"

Raizyx laughs behind her. "Ah haha! I Dunno. I don't make the rules, I just bend them."

"Cram it, you snarky runt! God, you're so infuriating!" Raven crosses her arms and pouts as she walks.

Raizyx skips along to catch up to her. "Yeah, I know. But you gotta face the facts. you're stuck with me and you know it."

"Why you little-! C'mere you little brat!" she malevolently smiles as she begins to painfully pinch and pull at his face. "So you think you can make a joke outta me and get away with it, huh small fry? Let's see how you like it!"

"Hey wait stop! Haha. I didn't ask for this. C'mon Raven, you know I had to!" Raizyx tries to get her off of him but fails due to his laughter and his eyes being shut.

Just then another middle-aged woman with blonde hair and dull blue eyes encounters them. "Umm are you well?"

The two look at her while their hands were still all over each other's faces.

Raven is the first to speak up. "Yes! We're fine."

As she quickly takes her hands off of Raizyx, who starts to rub his cheeks soon afterward.

The woman speaks again. "Oh well that's good I didn't know if it was child scolding or something else. Honestly, with the day I've been having, I don't know what to think anymore."

Raven then replies. "Oh, you know how boys can be. Although we love them They can be quite frustrating to deal with. Right Raizyx?" Raven then forcefully pulls Raizyx near her bosom in the form of some sort of side hug to show her affection to the lady. In reality, this hug was anything but affectionate as Raizyx let out a sub-audible. "Ow." as he was smushed in between Raven's left arm and armpit.

This stranger didn't seem to notice the harmful implications as she prattled on. "I don't know about that. I for one am quite tired of men. Especially after today." The woman closed her eyes while tilting her head to the side.

"What happened today?" Raven asked.

"Oh, you wouldn't believe me if I told you." The woman said as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes, waving off the comment with her right hand.

Raven looks down to Raizyx in inquiry. He returned her gaze. He appeared to be dawning the same expression although much of his face was still sandwiched in her side.

"You'd be surprised," Raven answered

The woman then looks at them then smiles warmly. After That, It soon transitions into a big ole grin. "Oh if you insist."

She began walking and talking back into town almost absentmindedly. Raven and Raizyx followed close to hear the story and to make sure that the lady didn't run into anything.

"So it all began when I fell through my foot today," She said.

"Wait what? Fall through your foot? How does that work?" Raizyx questioned.

"Oh well, you know. When you get older your body stops doing what you want it to do."

"Wait what? You can't just fall through yourself! That doesn't make any sense. How can you fall through your foot when it is the lowest part of your body and when it's attached to you!? Not only that but you seem far too young to be having skeletal or muscle problems like that."

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