- "Hori ?! Are you okay ? Did he hurt you ?"

   - "Y- yeah. Thank you for saving my life" Hori says with tears in her eyes

   - "Sir, do you want us to chase that thief ?"

   - "No, need. I will get him myself later. For now, only the safety of Hori count"

   - "They are so cute !"

  - "Hori is so lucky to have him!"

  - "I feel safe when Miyamura is around !"

The whole crowd is touched by the couple in front of us and cheers Miyamura for saving Hori. The voices around me fade and everything becomes black.


   - "This is what I saw" I see Tokageroh lowing his head with a sad look

   - "That's.. not what happened" he says in a whisper

   - "Tell, what happened?"

   - "I- I -" Tokageroh sighs, hesitating to talk

   - "Except if you really want to speak about it.. I know we are not friend but if you need to talk, I can be a good listeners"

   - ".."

   - "Don't worry, I'll be gone within the day"

   - "I don't have time. I need to find Ryu before the match begins"

   -"Fine. You can tell me on the road."

Tokageroh nods and we leave the hotel to go to the arena. We walk, side by side, in silence.

   - "So, you said you're leaving today? Why?" Tokageroh says shyly

   - "Anna aks me.. I mean, she orders more than asks but yeah.. And since I can't see spirit, except you and Amidamaru, she is right, I don't have my place here"

   - "It's because of what happened with Yoh?"

   - "Yeah"

   - "I see, That not what I wanted..."

   - "Don't worry. Do you want to talk about Hori or do you still prefer to change the subject?"

   - "Alright, I will tell you" Tokageroh sighs "That happened 600 years ago.. I was a thief with a few men under my orders. We were outcasts of society and we stole just to survive. One day, we went to the village to find something to eat and she was there, in front of a stand, looking at the clothes. The most beautiful woman I ever saw, long brown hair, porcelain-colored skin and blue eyes like the ocean. I didn't plan to talk to her or even approach her but..


Tokageroh's POV

I pass behind her to get to the stand next to hers. I was looking at the food when I heard horse racing footsteps. I turned around to see that a horse was coming at full speed, hitting everything it touched in its path. Without thinking, I grabbed the girl by the arm and pulled her towards me to avoid the horse hitting her.

   - "Are you okay ?" I say, worried about her

   - "Mmm yeah, thank you" she says, removing the dust from her clothes. She looks at me in detail "May I have the name of the person who saved me ?"

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