"Uh," Tim said from behind him.

"Officer, you gotta help me out here," the mugger pleaded, "She's crazy."

"Oh please," a female voice snapped, and Dick turned, finally seeing what Tim was trying to gesture to him, "You tried to rob me."

Dick opened his mouth in surprise.

"Percy?" he asked, incredulous.

Persephone was standing on the other side of the narrow alley, arms crossed over her chest, in her usual jeans and casual hoodie. Her dark hair was pulled up high into a ponytail, revealing more of her face than Dick usually saw. He also saw a flash of something colorful around her neck, before she shifted, and it fell back behind the fabric of her hoodie. The woman in question narrowed her eyes, slicing her green irises in half, and threw up her hands in disbelief.

"Why, why do you keep showing up everywhere?"

The man on the ground flinched a little at her outstretched arms.

"Must be fate," Dick joked lightly, re-holstering his gun as he realized there was no immediate danger.

Honestly, he almost asked her the same question. It seemed like everywhere he went, she was there waiting for him. The coincidences were piling up as if something was trying to throw them together at every opportunity. Dick realized with a wince that while it may have seemed like mere coincidences to him, it probably came off as more suspicious to her, considering the timing could lead her to believe he was following her.

Percy scowled at his comment about fate, and Dick stared at the way her lips turned downward for a second too long.

"Ugh," she interrupted his moment, extending her foot to toe the ski mask on the ground, "The least you could do is plug your nose."

If the man flushed red, they couldn't tell through all the blood. Nevertheless, he took the advice, snatching up the mask and pressing it against his face to slow the bleeding.

"You know," Dick started, glancing between the mugger and her and shooting her a smirk, "This is the second time I've heard of you beating someone up, and the second time I've missed actually seeing it."

Percy's eyes almost seemed to twinkle and the slant of the shadows on her face highlighted her cheekbones, making her look regal.

"It's not that big a deal," she drawled, leaning back against the building and out of the previous lighting, "You probably beat people up all the time."

From the side, Tim snorted, finally making himself known. Dick was also amused at the statement. If only she knew. He leaned down, and lugged the still whimpering criminal upright, cuffing him, and walking him out the alley and into the patrol car.

To fill the silence left behind, Tim stepped forward and held his hand out to Percy, an old upper society habit ingrained in him since childhood.

"I'm Tim Drake," he introduced, jerking a thumb out to the side, "That idiot's brother."

Percy laughed and shook his hand without question.

"How many siblings does Dick even have?" she asked, raising her eyebrows, "How many more dark-haired kids should I expect to see lurking around?"

Tim chuckled and closed his eyes in mock exasperation.

"Too many," he shook his head, then paused, looking curious, "So how do you know Dick?"

"I don't, really," Percy snorted, "He's just always...around."

Tim looked highly amused at that, but before he could get the chance to reply, Dick returned from the car, frowning at the blood on the cuffs of his sleeves from arresting the criminal. He stopped short of the two of them.

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