In a folder she managed to find several sections related to the old pizzerias of the franchise.

- DNA classifications.
- Substantial of the remnant.
- CPU file
- Modulations of Artificial Intelligences

And many more options among others.
More than 30 completely different sections. However, she felt that it was a well-prepared and meticulously planned trap. Well, when entering one of the files, she required a password that she could not guess this time.

She gave up because she did not want to play by chance and have any information traced in the face of a possible unwanted intervention.

"Section 12. Business and Personal"

She switched gears digging into several different pdfs, notepads, and text documents about clients, security guards, and staff.
Still, nothing important, nothing that could help her.
She wandered through some of the documents she kept names of security guards hired in the past, including some like Michael, Harry, George, Jeremy, William, Thomas, and the list went on and on, several pages even.


At the end of it all, she found something curious that ended up attracting attention.
And it is that in all the documents, at the bottom of everything, there was a signature that distinguished and marked a difference.

Information classified by Fazbear Entertainment.
Copyrighted by Henry Emily.

That name echoed in her head over and over again.
Henry Emily was the founder of the company...
No. She was wrong.
He was the Co-Founder of the company, along with William Afton.

Henry Emily, HE would have the information she was looking for, he would have everything she needed.
But... Where to find him?

She quickly began to inquire about the man's whereabouts and information.
A married father with two children, a university degree, a degree in technology, design, programming, economics and business. A prodigy one could say.
He was born in America, Indiana, New Jersey.
Everything seemed normal, but there was something that left the woman stunned.
His date of death.
Henry, had passed away, years ago.
Her plans fell apart, without that founder to turn to, move forward and find information that would be complex and late.
What could she do?

She thought for a moment as she looked at the mess of sheets of paper scattered on the floor, the bed, and the desk where the screen was.
She frowned determinedly, if Fazbear Entertainment didn't go to her, she would go to Fazbear Entertainment.

"Not yet"

She didn't listen, before she needed to clean up the image of her, close the loose end and tie a new knot.
She grabbed the makeshift brown and white rabbit mask, pulled it over her face. And with her white clothes stained crimson, she left the room in search of her target.

"You play with fire"

- I'll play with ashes if I turn it off before - The woman sentenced, turning on the flashlight before going down the spiral stairs that led to the basement.

She was no longer going to allow herself to take orders from someone else.
And even if her subconscious whispered to her which way to go, she would be the one to decide her own journey.

She was going to put an end to that damned thing, even if everything came crashing down on her.


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