Chapter 10: Wait...

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Author Notice: AAA I'm so sorry I couldn't upload the new story, I'm working on it now (after I finish this chapter.) Anyway, I hope you enjoy and that you all are doing well! I have my exams starting tomorrow and I was studying, now taking a break. :')

After finishing everything, the trio go outside. Just then the waiter grabs Valt's arm. 'Sir, you've forgotten the bill,' He states with a stern look. 'Oh, sorry,' The bluenette replies, searching for some money in his pockets.

'Here you go, enjoy,' He says, handing out some cash he found stuffed in his pockets. 'Thank you, sir,' The waiter responds, as he takes it and walks back inside.

Valt turns to see that Anne and Shu had already gone. 'Huh..?' He murmurs quietly, a hint of sadness engulfing his voice. Suddenly, he sees a familiar albino rushing towards him. He stops in front of him, panting. 'Sorry Valt, the girl just grabbed my hand and started running,' He explains. 'Anne.' Valt utters. 'What?' Shu says, softly. 'Her name. Anne. Anyway, it's alright,' He answers, smiling to cover up the sadness. 'Thank you. And I also apologize since our outing didn't go as...planned,' The albino apologizes again.

'It's fine, Shu. It is.'

Shu opens his eyes which were once closed to see a boy smiling at him. So pure. So dreamy. He could feel a tint of pink across his cheeks. He quickly snaps out of it and smiles back.

How could he not like him back? Everything about him was perfect. At least, everything he knew about him was.

'So, I'm going to go back to my place now,' Valt states. 'Oh, alright, I'll walk you there,' Shu replies. Valt chuckles at the gesture, as they both walk. 'So what happened with you and Anne, where did you guys go?' Valt brings up the topic. 'Oh..well,' The albino beings to say.


'Let's go Shu,' Anne says, grabbing the boy's hand. 'No, we can't leave Valt,' He resists, pulling his hand back. 'Relax, he'll come to us one way or another,' She continues to persuade. 'I said no,' Shu insists, it sounded angry, but never too obvious, he was a calm person.

'Ugh, come on!' Anne exclaims, once again grabbing Shu's hand. She runs forward, bringing Shu along with her. She finally stops, she lets go of Shu's hand. He uses the opportunity to run back to Valt. 'Wait, Shu-!' She screams, but Shu keeps running, ignoring the sound.

-End of Flashback-

'Yeah, that's basically what happened,' Shu finishes his small 'presentation.'

After that, it remained silent between the two, when they finally reach Valt's place.

'I guess this is goodbye,' Valt mutters, looking back at Shu. 'Yeah, see you tomorrow,' He responds, smiling again. Valt smiles back, then enters his house.

'Hey guys,' He says, walking into the living room. 'Hi Valt, how was the outing?' Chiharu greets back. 'It was..alright,' He responds, his sadness was quite evident. 'You okay sweetie?' She asks, worried. 'Yeah,' He cheers up, going upstairs. Chiharu releases a worried sigh before turning back to baking a new, fresh batch of bread.

With Valt, he sits down in his room. His mind is clouded with thoughts about what happened today. It was supposed to be for him and Shu...not Anne. But she's been so nice to him, well, before, he couldn't really determine what to do next. He looks at his nightstand, the same knife he used to kill May was right there. It glistened in the light. He thinks about it for a second, but turns his head back down.

'You love him right?' A voice said in his head. 'Then do it. Do it. Do it. Kill her.' Those words kept circling his mind, it would've been enough to make him go crazy.

He looks back at the knife. It sparkled again, but this time to him. Like it was trying to tell him something.

'Okay. I'll do it.'

However, he decided to make it a bit less painful. Since Anne was actually friendly, at first.

Time Skip: 1 hour

Alright. Now was the time he would get ready. He put on the same black clothes and scarf, under his red hoodie. He grabbed his knife and headed downstairs.

'Mom, I'll be out for a while,' He declares as he's about to open the door. 'Sure honey. But where?' She questions. 'Uh, to the park. I'll be okay, promise!' He exclaims in a hurry.

'Oh, I don't have her address,' He thinks, face-palming himself. Suddenly, Anne walks past him, too busy with her phone to notice him.

'Bingo.' He smirks, such luck.

He follows her slowly, making sure not to get caught. People were still outside at this time, so he had to be more careful.

When Anne stops, Valt is surprised to see where they were at: it was the school. He follows her inside into an empty classroom. Anne turns back, shocked to see Valt.

'Valt?! What are you-' She exclaims. 'Oh, nothing. I've come for revenge,' He explains, slowly pulling out his knife. 'Revenge? For what?' She asks, innocently. 'You know what you did,' He answers.

He shoves her against the wall, accidentally dropping his knife onto the floor. His hands cover Anne's neck as he slightly chokes her. Releasing one hand, he bends down to get his knife, pointing it at her face.

But something happened. He couldn't go through with it, for some reason. His grip weakens, when suddenly the door opens.

He turns his his head, his eyes widening.


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