Chapter 2: Confession, Confession

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Author Notice: OMG Y'all I'm so sorry for being dead for a while! I have so many things going on right now in my life, so hopefully you can understand. Thank you for waiting and for being so loyal, I love you all! 

'7:30 a.m.?' I groan in distress. Ugh. Already?

I sit up on my bed, rubbing my eyes. I look at my nightstand to see my envelope was still there. I grin, this gives me motivation to actually go to school for once.

I get out of bed and grab my envelope, bringing it everywhere I go. Just to make sure nobody else takes it.

Third PER

Valt goes to get ready for school, putting on his clothes and grabbing some bread along the way. He finally reaches school.

A certain albino grabs his attention. 'Shu!!!' The bluenette screams in excitement. The clueless Shu turns his head towards Valt, covering his ears. 'Yes, Valt?' He asks.

'Eheee!' Valt flashes a wide smile at his best friend. 'Someone's feeling energetic this morning, I see,' Shu laughs amused.

'Umm...Shu...' The bluenette speaks. 'Yeah?' The other responds. 'I need to talk to private, please,' Valt suddenly switches to a serious tone. 'Of course,' The albino replies.

The two walk behind the school building.

Valt can feel the tension. It's in him. His fingers were trembling, he almost dropped the envelope. He was starting to sweat.

'Okay, we're here. Now, what was it you wanted to tell me?' Shu asks. ',' The boy tries to answer.

'Just please, take this letter-!'

And just like that, he was gone.

'Weird,' The crimson-eyed boy thought.

'Well, might as well open it.'

12 a.m.
To: Shu <3

Dear Shu,

Hi. This is Valt. Obviously. Haha-

Um, I wanted to let you know that I like you. I really do. Not just as your best friend. I'm scared this will ruin our friendship, but I'm still giving it a shot!
You've known me for a while now.
I umm..understand if you don't feel the same way. I just wanted to get this off my chest. I love you. Ever since we met, I knew something was bound to happen.

I'd kill the whole world, for you, Shu.

You might think I'm crazy. Maybe I am.
I'm a terrible person and it's my fault.

Agh, you know what? Never mind. Haha-

Valt <3

Author Notice: I hope you are doing well! :D Thank you again for reading and voting! Much appreciated from my side :)

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