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Hummed behind closed lips. A nonsensical tune energized my morning as I wove my hair into a braid. Adjusting my favorite day dress' skirt, I stepped back and looked myself over in the boudoir mirror. "Looks pretty good." After smoothing out a couple of stray hairs, I dashed to the dining room.

The staff was hard at work preparing breakfast. Scrambled eggs, sausages, and toast sizzled on the stove, diffusing their mouthwatering scent around the kitchen and making my stomach growl in anticipation. "Good morning, everyone."

"Good morning, Madam," chorused the staff.

"Do you guys need help with anything?" My hand reached for an apron, but one of the cooks pulled it out of my reach.

"Madam, don't worry. We have everything under control," The woman said with a smile. "We want you to enjoy your first morning with the duke." Hovering her hand over my lower back, she guided me to the door that adjoined the kitchen to the dining room. "We'll bring out your breakfast shortly."

"Ok, but if you guys need any help. Call for me."

A big smile flashed across her face. "Alright, Madam, will do."

I stood by the door without moving an inch. Is this how it's going to be from now on? Just me and him every day doing our household duties. Unease swallowed my happiness. Will Zander get annoyed after a while? I am no longer of any use to him, Will he tell me to leave? Will I end up all alone once again? Pushing my fears to the back of my mind, I stepped into the room.

Zander's deep voice set my heart aflutter. His wide back hid Benjamin from my line of sight as he towered over the old butler by a foot. Was he always this tall and well-built?

His head dipped forward to look over the papers in his hand. "I'm going to take a trip to the caves today after breakfast to see how everything is going."

"Are you sure, Iskander? You got here yesterday. Give yourself a couple of days to rest." Benjamin said, and, sensing my presence, his head leaned sideways to look at me from the side of Zander's shoulder. "Oh, good morning, Madam."

"Good morning."

Zander turned, and our eyes locked for a fraction of a second. "Good morning." He bowed his head.

"You're going to the mines today?" I asked.

"Yes, I would like to see how the marble production is going," Zander responded.

"And I told him that he should stay home and rest, at least for today," Benjamin added.

"I won't take long. I'll go over there and be right back."

Benjamin sighed. "Alright, then you should take the madam with you. She hasn't seen that part of the territory yet."

"No. I'm fine." My voice shook. "Besides, someone has to stay here to take care of Benjamin and the Manor. So, I volunteer for that."

"I'm not senile yet, madam. I can hold the fort while you're gone." An ear-to-ear smile split his face. 

"You know that's a great idea. Will you like to come, Leyla?"

"I," A shaky breath cut off my words, and as if on cue, Benjamin spurred into action.

"I'll get your travel cloak, Madam." He walked to me, and placing his hands on my shoulders, he said in a low voice, "Don't worry, he won't let anything happen to you. You got this, just like last time."


The rustling of the papers on Zander's hands as his eyes scanned the pages. The clopping of the horse's hooves. The crunching of the gravel under the wheels of the carriage. Those were the only sounds I heard for the first hour of our trip.

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