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Calim's voice was barely audible as he held me in a tight embrace. "I should've told her I liked her all those years ago."

My hand raised to his back to pat away his sadness. "I'm sorry."

"If I had told her, maybe she would have waited for me."

"Don't do that to yourself. Nothing good comes out of thinking about what ifs."

"Maybe we would've gotten married after the war, and that baby would've been mine."

"Stop that." With a heavy heart, my arms tightened around his spiritless frame. I've never seen him this upset. This wouldn't have happened if—  My eyes screwed shut, and I stopped the exasperating train of thought. "Come on, let's sit down." Pulling away to place both hands on his shoulders. I guided him to an armchair, where he collapsed into the seat and hid his face behind his hands. "Come on, cheer up. You'll have other opportunities. Other girls who would love to go out with you."

Leyla's voice came from her place by the door. "Um, if I may. Chocolate cake always seems to cheer me up. Would you like a slice?"

The promise of chocolate cake made Calim shoot upright. "Yes, please!"

"Alright, would you like a glass of milk too?" She asked as she walked further into the manor.

Calim's sad expression turned to confusion when his gaze landed on Leyla. "Uh, yes. Thank You." Jabbing his thumb towards the hallway where Leyla's hurried steps faded into the distance, he mouthed, 'Who's she?'

"Leyla. My wife."

His eyes grew as large as saucers. "What? That's her? Your Missus?"

"Uh. Yeah."

Every trace of his heartbreak disappeared from his countenance when he exclaimed, "She looks so different! She's like a whole other person."

"Um. Yes"

"So?" A mischievous smile split his face. "You and the missus spending time together. Going around sightseeing like a couple of lovebirds."

"Um, I wouldn't—" Leyla's footsteps approached the foyer, and I caught myself before my words were misunderstood.

"Here you go" She handed a glass of milk and a plate to Calim. "Zander, do you want a piece, or are you going to wait for lunch?" Over her shoulder, Calim mouthed when her head was turned. 'Zander?'

Pretending not to see him, I responded, "I'll wait. Thank you, Leyla."

She turned to Calim. "Do you want anything else?"

"No, thank you for being so kind. I'm Calim." He outstretched his hand to shake Leyla's.

"Lehylany, it's so nice to finally meet you. I've been meaning to thank you for taking care of Iskander." She shot him a bright smile.

"No need to thank me, but dinner would be nice if you do." He responded with a grin.

I resisted the temptation to roll my eyes, and with a laugh, Leyla responded, "Of course, how about tomorrow?"


Taking one step back, she continued, "Well, I'll leave you two alone. If you need anything, I'll be in the kitchen." Emerald flecked her honeyed eyes when they lifted to meet mine, and she added, "Lunch will be ready in ten. I'll wait for you in the dining room."

The glittering of her eyes turned my brain to mush, and I had no choice but to respond with a nod. The beauty of her iridescent gaze pulled my eyes to trail after her. Wishing for another glimpse of the light caught in her eyes.

Double-Edged WordsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora