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A small smile crept across my face. No one has written me a personal letter before. I chuckled as I read the afterthought.

"What's so funny?'' Asked Calim, walking into the tent.

"Nothing," I folded the letter and placed it inside my leather satchel. I need to find a better place to store it. I made a mental note to get a document case later.

Calim narrowed his eyes and smirked, "Okay."

"Any new developments?" I asked, organizing the papers on my desk.

Calim's voice and demeanor shifted into one of seriousness. "The reconnaissance group returned. The enemy troops have mobilized a battalion to the south. It seems they are planning to seize the neighboring territory. Duke Riegens' land."

"They're after the ports," I muttered.

"Yes, and if they succeed, they will have the second largest port in our country under their control."

I leaned back against my chair and rubbed the haze out of my eyes. "It's going to be hell on earth if that happens. We will lose one of our most important supply channels, and they will gain a strategic military facility."

"And they will also be one step closer to our largest seaport. If Wallerian troops seize that port. They will have our main source of weaponry and food supply." He added.

I sighed. "We won't let that happen. Please round up the Grand General and the lesser Generals. Tell them I wish to have a meeting at the Tactical Operations tent."

"Yes," Calim responded and rushed out of my tent.


The air was heavy with tension as Calim, the generals, and I huddled around the map on the table.

"They are mobilizing south towards this area." The Grand General's index finger slid across a dukedom pictured on the map. Stopping close to the line marking the territory's limit, he said, "If we hide and intercept them here." He jabbed his finger at the seaside caves. "We will be able to stop them before they cross the territory limit into the next dukedom."

One of the lesser generals shook his head. "All this planning is useless if we don't figure out who the mole is first. Last time they were fully prepared for our ambush. What makes you think they won't expect us this time again? Heck, they might even know we are watching them!" 

The Grand General stroked his beard, and his eyes met mine. "He's right. We need to figure out who is informing them before we make a move."

"Calim, anything to report on that matter?" I asked.

"Well, we have been investigating as Your Grace ordered, and we have a few leads. But nothing conclusive yet." His lips twisted in a grimace.

"Alright, keep working on it. I'll send a message to His Majesty, The King. Asking for an update about how things are going on his end." I said.

"Then we should hold off on making any decisions for the time being. We are in the middle of winter anyway. The bad weather and obstructed roads won't let them get that far." The major general advised.

"Then why did they deploy that battalion then, if not to attack?" Another general questioned.

"Maybe they want to set up camp and survey the area first? Then as soon as spring comes around, they will be ready to take over the next dukedom." The major general suggested.

"That sounds logical." Commented Calim.

"If that's the case, it would give us some time to catch that traitor." Said the Grand General

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