Chapter Ten: The Wetlands

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Zelda's POV:

"Gopongo village?"

Link nods and quickly gets on guard looking out for remaining Lizalfos that show their true form, seeing their fallen brethren, they begin to slither towards us,


"They're coming fast, get ready to move, they have an advantage here," Link pats my horse, instructing it to start galloping away from the monsters. I'm so frustrated,

"A little more of a warning would've been nice!" I yelled at him. Pulling out my bow and drawing an arrow back, quickly launching it towards the slithering monsters.

My shot misses, blast it! Riding on horseback is so difficult, I can barely tame this steed! How can I help Link if I can't even have perfect accuracy?


I hold my hands, my fingers have a shooting pain through all of them, it feels like they're sweltering, it's such a sharp pain. I look down to my fingers still wrapped in gauze and see a faint tint of red seeping through the wrap.

My cry in pain distracts Link. Looking back to me gasping in worry, wanting to see what was wrong with me.

The Lizalfos duo wasted no time to take advantage of his worry for me. One of them begins to twist their hips,

"Link look out!"

But it's too late, it swipes their thick reptilian-like tail under Link's feet, causing him to fall to his back, still managing to hang on to his trusty sword. The other one approaches Link, not letting him have a moment to recover and whipped him with his tail, causing Links to get thrown back again, skidding across the marsh, he slowly gets up, rubbing his red cheek, with a now obvious slash across it.

"Well that wasn't very fair now was it?" he said coldly, his eyes locked on both the monsters, his shield ready.

The Lizalfos hiss intimately at him, and appear to begin shooting water bullets at him, he's able to parry incoming shots. But they're so fast, he can't move. While they slowly inch closer and closer to him.

If I were to be useful at all, now would be the time. Little One is going so fast though, just aimlessly wandering around the wetland, I can barely control her, making this shot is going to be difficult. I close my eyes, and take a deep breath in,


I seethe through my teeth, biting back the pain, reopening my wounds, feeling the blisters on my fingers burst from the overexertion as I draw back an arrow one more time, trying to hold the bow steady through my horses galloping. I exhale slowly,

Please don't miss!

The second the arrow is released it whistles through the wind, I feel like time has slowed down, waiting to see where it will fall.

Please make it...

By the three golden goddesses, the arrow lands directly on the nearest Lizalfos shoulder, it's not a lethal shot, but it distracts it enough for it stop its onslaught on Link, causing the other Lizalfos to foolishly look over and see what was wrong,

Link looks over to me and nods, not wanting to waste this opportunity, he charges quickly to them, and rushes in with a flurry attack, he's got them!

As he lands his last blow, they both go flying away, skidding across the field. One of them falls lifeless, but the other one that was vaulted further away still picks itself up, weak in the knees, possibly shocked by the impact.

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