Hero Internship: Part 2

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The sun rises, and a new day of the internship begins. The scene opens up with Ben Tennyson and Captain Nemesis standing atop of a building looking down as the police surround the building across from them.

Ben:So... What's the game plan? Do we go in guns blazing!

Nemesis:First we have to review the mission statement. The mission is to assist the police in capturing the villains who are hiding out in the building.

Ben:So why we give this mission? I thought we could do something... I don't something more exciting.

Nemesis:An inside source that they dealing in a new expirmental drug for quirks. I picked this mission because it has a the new drug has the fingerprints over a certain individual that you maybe familiar with.


Nemesis: *nods he's head*This new type of drug boosts quirks and adds animal DNA.

Ben:Animal*realization*  Dr. Animo?! He must have made this new quirk drug.

Nemesis:*rubs he's head*Possibly. It's just that Animo is whackjob but he usually performs on animals making drugs doesn't seem like he's ammo.

Ben:Maybe he's trying something new.


An explosion is heard from the entrance from the building across from them, an advanced vehicle begins speeding out of the building that was on fire from the explosion. Two helicopters that were on the building began taking lift off.

Nemesis:Tennyson your objective will to capture those villains, oh! And try to avoid property damage.

Ben:What about you?

Nemesis: going after those two helicopters that are try to get away.

Ben:Since when do villains have access to helicopter?!

Nemesis:Questions later! Action now!

Captain Nemesis activates he's rocket boosters and blasts off into the sky and heads begins he's chase with the helicopters.

Ben begins dialing up the omnitrix as he stops on the silhouette of 'Diamondhead', Ben leaps of the building and slams down on the omnitrix a burst of light, as the light fades Ben wasn't Diamondhead he was....

Upgrade:Upgrade?! Oh man. Well this will have to do.

Upgrade stretches and begins gliding down onto the scene where the cops had begun the chase on the villains

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Upgrade stretches and begins gliding down onto the scene where the cops had begun the chase on the villains. Upgrade merges with a street lights that was below as he begins moving from street light to light by traveling through the electrical current, he finally was near the  villains vehicle as merged out of the street lights as he leapt onto the vehicle...

The villains were wearing mask and carried high-tech weaponry as they began using the weapon to blast the squad-cars that began the chase.

Villain 1:We need to get out of here! The boss isn't gonna be happy that we lost his drugs!

My hero academia : Ben 10 And Generator Rex ;Book 1(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now