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The scene opens back up with the villains walking towards the students as the the students watch in shock

The scene opens back up with the villains walking towards the students as the the students watch in shock

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Aizawa :Everyone backoff now! Thirteen protect the students!

Ben who was angry that his friend had just been taken activates the omnitrix turning through he's Playlist of alien form's he stops at the silhouette of FourArms.

Ben:It's Hero Tim-

Ben raised he's right arm and was moving to Slam it down on the omnitrix when a capture scarf wraps around he's right arm.

Aizawa :Tennyson stand down. Back off and join your classmates.

Ben:What?! But sir they has to be at least 20 people of them! I can help you haven't seen what I can do! Let me help! They just took my friends and I need too do something!

Aizawa :No. You're a student and I'm a teacher it's my duty to ensure your safety. I can handle them and I'll bring back Salazar and Iida. Stand. Down. Now.

Ben grits he's teeth angrily, and gave a nod, Aizawa released his right arm to which he used to deactivate the omnitrix. As Ben watched as Aizawa leaped down into the middle of the villains, As the fight commenced Class 1A began talking to each other nervously.

Kirishima :How could have they breached the USJ's defenses? I thought this place had security like the main campus.

Momo:What about the trespassers sensors?

Thirteen :We have them, of course but....

Todoroki:They must have bypassed the security with their portal, either that or they disabled the security grid ahead of time.

Mineta:Forget how they got in! How are we getting out?! I don't wanna die like Rex and Iida!

Midoriya :They not dead! They can't be.

Uraraka: Deku is right they probably got teleported somewhere else.

Toru :Can we focus on the pressing issue!What are we gonna do?!

Bakugou: We should take on those villain scumbags!

Thirteen :Quiet! They wouldn't have attacked a secure location like this if they were not fully prepared. Engaging a force that outnumbers us is a fool's errand, we need to evacuate while they are not between us and the gate. Kaminari try contacting the main school.

Kaminari :No good just static!

Thirteen:It's fine Kaminari as soon as we get enough distance from the villains we can escape.

Aizawa who had already been taking down villain after villain.

Ben:(Damn it I have fought guys worse than that I could have solved this in 5 minutes tops.)

Midoriya :Wow... Mr Aizawa is impressive.

Momo:Hurry everyone! We must evacuate while we can!

As class 1A contnuied to make the way out a purple mist appeared and two yellows eyes appeared.

My hero academia : Ben 10 And Generator Rex ;Book 1(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now