Hero Internship: Part 1

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Hero Internships Rex Pov

The day for class 1A to begin their internships has finally arrived, class 1A had gathered together but Rex was in 'The scout' mainly used for extraction and retrieval.

Rex was bouncing the ball, this wasn't out of joy mostly irratation, while six who was sharpening he's blades.

Six:Rex you want to talk about what's bothering you?

Rex:Didn't realize you cared.

Six just gave him a look

Rex:Look it's just that I was kinda hoping to intern with an actual pro instead of providence, y'know like everybody else.

Six:White Knight is convinced that you need more actual training with E.V.O 's especially with debacle with you curing that E.V.O in the U.S.J attack.

Rex:And you agree with him?

Six:Whether I agree with him or not is irrelevant he makes the call and we follow.That's how it is.

Rex didnt have a response instead went back to bouncing the ball as an awkward silence was filled in with Rex bouncing he's ball.

Providence agent: We're coming up on the E.V.O attack in Argentina shortly.

Only more awkward silence

[Time skip]

The scene changes to an Argentina town where providence had begun a battle with a cactus E.V.O that had been on rampage and destroying the town.The E.V.O began launching giant cacutas needles destroying buildings as defense of providence assult.

Rex came in with he's Boogie pack straight towards the E.V.O

Six: Rex wait!

Rex: chillax I got it covered!

The E.V.O shot needles towards the incoming Rex , Rex managed to dodge the attack but one of the needles managed to damage Rex' wing causing him to crash down on to roof before falling down onto the ground.

Rex: *grunts in pain*I hope nobody saw that

Six: You need to listen.

Rex morphs he's legs into the punk busters.

Rex: When you have the super Boots , you can give the orders.

As he makes powerful leap into the air

Rex: That's one small step for me,One giant pounding for ugly Evo guy incoming!

As he was supposed land on the Evo, the Evo smacks with one of its tendrils destroying the boots causing to crash down. Rex crashes in front of Six.

Rex: Okay , what did you have in mind?

Six: Our orders. Cure it or kill it.

Six draws he's blades and begins running towards, Rex morphs he's arm to the big fat sword before a panicked young child run towards with tears in he's eyes.

Boy: no!No!Dejalo en Paz![No!no!leave him alone]

The kid grabbed on to Rex begging to leave the Evo the alone.

Rex: It's cool, kid. I'm with the good guys.

Boy:Estás mintiendo!Tú Matara ai Padre Jose![You're lying !You will kill father Jose!]

Rex:"Father Jose" ?you mean that thing is your priest?!Six hold up !That dude is a priest!

Six focused on the mission didn't hear Rex and continued to attack the Evo with murderous intent. Rex morphs he's arms into the the smack hands before turning them into drilling fist.

My hero academia : Ben 10 And Generator Rex ;Book 1(Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora