Battle Trial

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An :If it's in brackets they are thinking it.
It was the next day of school. The curriculum of U.A highs hero course regular required classes like English in the morning.

Present Mic : Which of these English sentences Is wrong?

Ben/jirou /Rex, Kaminari, Ashido : (so normal....)

Present Mic : Who know knows the answer , everybody hands up and raise them high!!!
At noon we gather at the cafeteria, where students can by gourmet food for reasonable prices.

Midoriya : I heard Lunch rush manages the cafeteria

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Midoriya : I heard Lunch rush manages the cafeteria.

Rex:Really the cook hero Lunch Rush?!

Ben:The cook hero?

Midoriya : I'll tell on the way, Tennyson.

Iida:We should hurry if want a chance to eat.

Uraraka : Jirou, you coming too?

Jirou :sure why not.

Momo:wait!.. By any chance may I join you?

Ben:Sure could be fun.

As they reach the cafeteria

As The group eats at the table

Yaoyorozu :So Tennyson I'm kinda curious how did your quirk manifest?

Ben chokes on his food for a moment


Midoriya :Yeah, which one of your forms did you get first?

Jirou :now that's a story I could listen too.

Ben:well uh, uhmmm,(Im going to have to wing some of this part,damn it I should have made a cover story for this part) alright... From what I remember I was on a camping trip with my grandpa and cousin, and oh man the first time I transformed I might have accidentally....

Jirou: yeah?

Ben : ...I started a forest fire

Rex: Ha ha You did what?

Iida:Had you called in the fire department.

Ben: of course what kind irresponsible kid would I be trying to stop a forest fire (laughs nervously)

Rex :That you started.

Ben:not the point, anyway the fire department came in and took care of my mess and the rest is history.

Jirou :I knew it...

Ben:*gulps* knew what exactly?

Jirou : with all those transformations, you're a safety hazard.

My hero academia : Ben 10 And Generator Rex ;Book 1(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now