Chapter 5: Elemental Meeting

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We just got back from meeting Raven and Vernal and most of us came out. Covered in black suite

Weiss: Well that went better than expected.

The end of Weiss hair was a but on fire

Weiss: Can you get that?

Y/N: Sure

I licked my finger and pinched the flame out.

Weiss: Thanks

Y/N: Your welcomed.


After we entered Beacon we all took showers to get rid of of the black suite.

Yang: ( Sighs ) Much better

Vernal: I needed that

Raven: You said it.

Summer: Well I got to go to my class,I'll see you around. Bye sweetie.

Y/N: Bye mom

She kissed my check and walked away.

Blake: With that taken care of should we take you two to Ozpina.

Raven: Might as well.

As we went to see Ozpina we ran into JNPR

Yang: Hey guys

Weiss: Where have you four been?

June: I had to see my sister

Pyhrra: I went to visit my mom

Lia: Same here

Nora: I honestly don't have a excuse. I have no parents so I just went on vacation.

Blake: What did you even do?

Nora: Simple. Gambling

Y/N: Oooookkkk.

They all looked at me with them not saying anything.

Y/N: What?

Pyhrra: Y/N

Lia: You

June: Are


Nora than hugged me tight so hard I was losing circulation.

Y/N: Nora. I. Can't. Breathe!

Lia: Nora take five.

Nora: Ok

She let go and I fell on the ground catching my breath

Y/N: I'm ok.

June: Ok are we going to talk about the girl with the bowl cut.

Nora: And the evil looking Milf.

Yang: First that's my mom

Weiss: Second this is Vernal

Raven: And I'm Raven and is it because my eyes red?

Nora: No... Maybe

Raven: ( Sighs ) I'll let it pass.

June: Oh Ozpina wanted to see your five anyway.

Yang: Really for what?

June: I don't know.

Blake: I guess she has a mission for us.

Y/N: Either way we best get going. We'll see you guys later

Pyhrra: Take care

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