Chapter 2: The Mom ( Remake )

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( Ok so It seemed idea 2 was the winner, so it will go Summer, than maidens than meeting team RWBY. With that being said )

Team RWBY plus Rose where looking at any other side effects to green dust.

Y/N: You got anything Weiss?

Weiss: Well so far I got nothing, remember it's a extremely rare dust so not much is known about it.

Blake: But we do know it makes people younger

Yang: And turns weapons into people with large doses. Speaking of which how do you work Rose?

Rose: Well, one I don't really have organs, so I don't have a heart or lungs so I don't have blood and don't need to breathe, if I lose limbs I can just put them back on, and I don't need sleep food or anything to drink.

Blake: So your kinda like a robot but not really?

Rose: Well I was a weapon so who knows how my biology works.

Soon the scroll rang.

Y/N: How about we take a break than keep going later cool?

Yang: Sure cause my brain hurts

Weiss: Yang your brain hurts everytime in Bethenny class.

Yang: That's because she makes it too hard

Y/N: It wasn't hard for me?

Blake: That's because you pay attention for one

Yang: Hey! I'm offended.

Blake: And two I think Bethenny likes you so she makes it easier to understand

Yang: More like simping if you ask me. She never and I mean "NEVER" gives him homework

Blake: Whatever now if you mind I'm going on my favorite app wattpad.

Rose: Oh that's my favorite app.

Weiss: Sounds like fanfics golure.

Blakd: Well, your not wrong.

The scroll got louder

Y/N: Ok I got it. ( Pics up scroll ) Hello. Oh hey mom, how you doing? That's good anything exciting. Wait what, your coming here for a job. Thats sounds great, well see you soon.

He than slowly hanged up and just stood their

Rose: You ok Y/N?


Blake: OW!!!

Weiss: Got to say such powerful lungs

Yang: So what just happened?

Y/N: Yang, mom is coming here. Today! And she doesn't know what happened to me.

Yang: Oh yeah.

Blake: Maybe I can ask if I can date you

Y/N: Besides the point Blake, what do I tell her!

Weiss: Relax your mom loves you she'll understand

Little Rose ( RWBY X Male Child Ruby Reader harem )Where stories live. Discover now