Chapter 1: The Creation of Crescent Nightshade

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On the whole way back to Beacon Crescent Rose, or just Rose I decided to call her kept me in her lap and stroking my hair.

Y/N: Um Rose, do you mind stop please it's a bit uncomfortable?

Rose: Oh don't worry this isn't mean to feel werid, just give it a minute to settle in.

Y/N: What you? Oh wait. Oh that feels good, keep going please?

Rose: As you wish.

She than kept going with me smiling peacefully.


Meanwhile with the rest of Team RWBY on the other side watching Y/N and Rose in jealous

Yang: Look at her, thinking she can keep my bro to herself.

Weiss: She's even giving him headpats! I'm the only one who can give him headpats!

Blake: She thinks she's good looking, but my bellabooty is more sexy than her entire body!

Yang: If she thinks she can take him from us. OH she got another thing coming!

Weiss: I'm usually not one to hold a grudge.

Blake: ( Coughs )

Weiss: Most of the time. But with that "Rose" girl I can make a expection!

They than got back with Rose holding Y/N as she exited with the others following with them not happy.

Dove: Oh damn girl, leave the kid and hangout with me

Rose: Oh please go date a trash can, you'll actually get second base with that let alone me

Lerk: Want to go out babe~

Rose: Please I actually have standards.

Cardin: Hey I can give you a better time this kid.

Rose: Oh please he probably has a bigger package than you have with that microscopic thing you have between your legs.


Yang: Ok I might not like she's hogging my bro but I'll admit, she's good.

Weiss: A bit too good.

Cardin: Oh that's it.

He try to punch her but she ducked and round house kicked him into a wall and drop kicking him into the wall so hard he got stuck.

Cardin: Um hello. Guys I'm stuck. Wait there's a guy in here. Why did he take his pants off? Oh God HELP!!!

Blake: Damn she's good with her legs.

Rose: That's what everyone says.


We than made it to Ozpina office who was confused about Rose

Ozpina: Whose this?

Y/N: Well you see this is Crescent Rose but she's turned human


Gylnda than tossed a computer out the window

Weiss: Wait I'm confused?

Gylnda: Oh nothing something was wrong with the computers but we'll probably just buy new ones. So what did I miss.

Little Rose ( RWBY X Male Child Ruby Reader harem )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ