The Slip Up

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"Karla? Karla"

"What is it honey?"

"I want you."

Karla looked up from her book and towards the little, who was balled up on the other couch.

"Then come over here little one, it's not hard"

"I want to rush things with you Karla."

Karla tilted her head at the fragile woman, it had only been a week, yes they had known each other for much longer, but she never knew the little one had such strong needs.

"I already told-"

She was cut off by Kar kneeling in between her legs and grabbing her book.

"Please? Please, please"

"Begging are we?"

Kar nodded eagerly, looking up at Karla with sultry eyes.

"Climb up here little one, since you want it so bad"

Kar did as they were told immediately, wrapping their legs around their new superiors waist.

"Give me a kiss little one."

Kar smiled and leaned in to kiss their superior, melting at the softness and strawberry taste.

Karla held the littles hips, kissing them back and smiling when she realized how needy they were.

"Uppa baby"

Kar pulled away from the kiss and tilted her head back, the word had many meanings, but she knew exactly what Karla wanted right now.

Karla swiftly placed her lips on Kar's neck, retracing the marks from previous events, she made note of how much of a squirmer Kar was.



Karla hummed and held the littles hips still, all while bruising their neck.

"I want more, I want- touch me please."

"Begging again."

"Mhm, please Karla, please touch me"

Karla bit back a groan and decided to give in a little by placing Kar on their back.

"Be more specific."


Kar blushed, not knowing how they'd be able to pull that off without becoming a flustered mess.

"I can't."

Karla tilted her head. "No?"

Kar huffed at the tone of their superiors voice, they knew what that meant.

"I want, I want you to use your hands, to make me feel good please"

"Just my hands?"


Karla quickly kissed the little before they could get anymore flustered, she very carefully placed her hands in Kar's shorts, pleasantly surprised when she was met by slick arousal.

"Oh honey, you do get excited over neck kisses"

"Uh huh." Kar managed to stumble out.


Kar hummed and lifted their left leg up a bit so they could bend their knee, giving Karla more room.

"We both know I'm gonna spoil you, so let's not even pretend like I'm not gonna give you what you want okay?"

Kar hummed in approval, never breaking eye contact with the woman above her.

Karla loved eye contact, and the little knew it, they knew she'd get worked up just from watching them get worked up.

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