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note: this is a yoonseok bonus chapter.

[yoongi pov]

here i am, sitting with holly snuggling in my lap... it feels lonely..

it's always lonely without him, it's never the same..

why did he leave me alone so early? why did he have to go away?

i miss his smile so much, everything about him... if he'd have been here, he'd have teased me for missing him so much but what do i do? i miss him because i love him so much..

i love him so much that i can't live without him now.. why do i have to be so alone?

namjoon and jin hyung tell me it's going to be fine but i know... it's never gonna be fine.. never fine now that he isn't here anymore..

tears make their way down my cheeks as i remember every moment with him..

our first chat, first call, first meet, first hug, first kiss, first date.. our marriage..

how we were so happy together but now he's gone.. we didn't even get to spend that much time together...

i love him and... i miss him so much that my tears can't stop falling..

holly is looking at me sadly and i wish i could smile to make him at least relieved but i can't seem to smile because he's not here...

he was my happiness... why did he have to go?

i wish he could come back but-

"yoongi!", someone's voice interrupted my thoughts and i looked up from my lap where holly had been sitting to the person who just entered my apartment..

"yoongi, i'm finally back from the tour!", the love of my life skipped towards me, a large smile on his face as he made his way towards me... holly jumped down from my lap and ran towards him and he ruffled the dog's hair affectionately and then looked at me once again with a smile...

but that smile disappeared when he noticed my tears... he frowned..

"yoongi? why are you crying?", and that was when i seemed to get out of my daze as i stood up from my place on the couch and hugged him, tight...

he hugged me back and i nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck...

"why were you crying, yoongi?", my hoseokie asked and i sniffled and shook my head, "i missed you so much.. i thought i'd die living without you, i couldn't even smile-"

"you're making it sound like i left you or died or something", he chuckled and i hugged him tighter..

i missed him so much that i'm not letting him go anytime soon...

we walked back to the couch while i was still hugging him..

"you missed me that much huh? yoongi i was gone for only a week.. don't you love me too much?", i could detect the teasing undertone in his voice but nodded to his allegations...

he released the hug and kissed my eyes and then lips, "i guess we are both hopeless then", he said that with a pout and i had to chuckle at that..

he's so cute!

maybe i'm whipped, not that i ever denied it but i guess namjoon is right cuz... i'm whipped for my hoseokie...

"also i got a gift for you!", hoseokie excitedly got up and brought a cage in front of me and opened it.. from inside it got out a dog.. a white-brown Shih Tzu..

"meet him! he's mickey!", hoseokie happily chirped and i laughed at his choice of name.. so much like him..

hoseokie picked him up in his arms and kissed his head, smiling all the while..

holly was there standing, peering at the little ball of fluff in hoseokie's arms...

hoseokie put him down beside holly and almost immediately the latter started licking affectionately his new companion..

"looks like they're gonna be best friends", hoseokie grinned at them and then at me which i responded equally before standing up..

"you must be hungry after the long flight, want to have japchae?", i asked and he happily nodded and skipped with me towards our kitchen...

i was chopping the vegetables that were required when two arms snaked themselves around my waist and i could feel a hot breath near my ear...

"i missed you a lot too yoongi", my hoseokie whispered and i smiled...i love him soooooooooooo much..

he's gonna be the death of me..


this is the last yoonseok chap.... after this i'll be posting a namjin, jimji and taekook bonus chapter...

P.S. SORRY for not updating for these past few days, was on another short trip and i couldn't tell u'all beforehand cuz trust me, i was woken up suddenly and stuffed inside the car's backseat and we drove off and i was like 'wut?' but i guess i was fine since there was a swimming pool lol...

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