I felt so bad about yelling for them. It was so childish of me. I haven't been scared of monsters since I was a little kid. I looked up at Husky and apologized to him, but all he did was smile and say, "I guess you're awake now. Let's get you changed and ready for the day."

I did feel really bad about that and there was nothing I could do about it. I was stuck in my own head as Husky laid me on the changing table to get me changed and dressed for the day. I didn't even question him as he changed me into a new diaper and shorts for the day, no socks, no shoes, not even a shirt today. He picked me up and I just put my head on his shoulder as he walked us out of the room.

We went downstairs and straight into the kitchen. He put me in a highchair and strapped me in. A tray was secured to the chair and then a bottle was placed on it. I was still thinking about what I did upstairs when Husky asked me what I wanted to eat. That's when I finally looked up to see what he was talking about.

Waffles, eggs, bacon, pancakes, sausage links, orange juice, apple juice, even a carafe of milk was sitting on the table waiting to be eaten. And then I saw what Husky was holding. I was starting to drool about the food on the table and I was really hungry now, but what he was holding was 2 jars of baby food, and both looked nasty, one was green and the other looked orange.

I pointed and said, "Waffles, please?" I was hesitant, I just knew I was not going to get any waffles and I really wanted one, but with him holding those, I didn't think I would. But when he turned around and set them on a counter, my hopes picked back up. I stared at the waffles, and I actually started to drool a little.

He took his time making me a plate. He cut my waffle up slowly after putting peanut butter on it, then he put syrup on it. Then he went as slow as molasses as he turned with my plate in his hand and put it on my tray. But as I reached for it, he stopped me. He actually stopped me from getting my much-needed food. Then he pulled out an oversized bib to put on me. That's when I finally got it. I was a messy eater at times. And this might just be one of those days. I was still having trouble moving around correctly, but when he put it around me, it pinned my arms to my sides, so I guessed that he was going to be feeding me breakfast today. I was really starting to drool as the anticipation of that first bite was coming closer. He picked up a piece of waffle and had it coming to my mouth, but then he stopped just out of reach. I leaned forward and took it off the fork like a snake and it was sooo good. I never thought that the taste could be better than the smell, but it was. After that, he started feeding me normally for the most part.

Everyone else started coming to the table. I guess they were waiting for me to start. By the time I had finished about half of my waffle everyone else was seated and had their plates filled. It wasn't that they were waiting for me. It was that I had woken up just at the right time for breakfast. The night before I had actually fallen asleep in Husky's arms while they were talking. Danual said that I might, so they kept the talking to stuff that they knew shouldn't become a problem and the more sensitive stuff, that would be talked about today after I was feeling up to it.

After my waffle was done, my bottle was put to my lips so I could wash it down. Then Husky gave me some of the other food starting with eggs, but after that he made a little plate with some sausage and bacon on it. He also untucked my bib so I could feed myself. That's when he started eating and we all sat there not just eating, but also talking about why we were there. Bull started by saying. "Ok Pops, he's the boss here." He pointed at me. "So, I'm not sure what you can know. I'm just the bodyguard in this scenario and the one that knew you, so I'm just here to make introductions. So, Danual, this is Max. And Max, this is Danual. I trust both of you. If you trust my word, then you can trust each other." Then he looked really seriously at Danual and pointed at me, then said. "He's my boss and more than an equal to any of us. His life comes before any. It is really important that you understand that he's not just your average 15-year-old kid. Rule 2 doesn't really apply to him. He has all the power here. If he said to me that even you had to die, then I would do my best to do just that. And you know how much that would hurt me, but for him, I would do it without a second thought."

Danual nodded and looked at me. "So. You have their trust. I know this one." He pointed at Bull then continued. "And if he's willing to do something like that for a little kid like you, I know you must be something special. So, tell me, little one, what makes you so special?" Then he grabbed a piece of bacon and slowly started to eat it.

I had a sausage link in my hand and had just bitten a piece off of it. I knew I looked like a really little kid right now, eating with my hands and wearing a bib while sitting in a highchair with a diaper around my butt, but I knew what I said next would determine what happened here. So, I finished chewing and swallowed. While I was doing that I kept looking around at my friends. All of them looked calm, but I could feel, or sense the tension in all of them. If this went badly, they were ready to jump up and either run with me, or fight. So, me being me, I smiled and said the first thing I thought of. "I need a drink first. Then I will tell you that we just traveled back in time to save the world."  I grabbed my bottle and started drinking. Slowly.

I kept an eye on Danual, but I also looked at my friends too. I was now holding and sucking on a bottle like a little kid. I was actually trying to think about what to say and at the same time trying to hide behind my bottle. I know, it doesn't make much sense. This bottle couldn't protect me from anything except thirst, but it was all I had at the time. I noticed that my little outburst had made the tension shoot up a little bit, but when I started drinking, that actually calmed my friends down. Husky even smiled and chuckled a little. Danual eyes never really left me, but I know he looked at Husky for a moment.

I finished drinking and looked at everyone in the room. Then I said. "Sooo. I am from the future. We all are really, but there's something I need to do. And Bull said that you can be trusted and that this place would be a safe place for us to come and go when needed. And that you would be ok with us being here, but if you're not, we can leave. And there's a lot that we can't tell you or tell anyone for that matter, but I want to be as open and honest as I can with you. And um... well... I don't really know what we should tell you. This is all new to me. But if you want or need to know more... Um... Ask Husky." Then I shoved my bottle back in my mouth because I really felt uncomfortable, and I didn't know what else to say. I had my eyes closed while I just sat there with the bottle in my mouth. I did drink a little, but mainly, I was hiding again. Then I felt an arm go around me and I sorta jumped, but when I heard Husky say, "It's just me, kiddo." I relaxed into his side hug.

And that was the start of how we got a base in the past. Danual actually laughed at me, but it was ok. He even said that rule 2 was made for someone like me. (You will be treated the age you act or choose to act.) Because I was acting younger than I actually was, but I also was trying my best to do what needed to be done. And so, what if I looked like a really little kid right now? It's what I was trying to do that mattered to him. Who cares what you wear?

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