"How long were you gone? Because I'm pretty sure they don't come out as four-year-olds," he asked back, clearly confused about who I am. "I'm nine," I mutter into the quiet car while still wary of the man. His face does share some qualities with Scarlett's, and if he's her brother, he can't be that bad. "Well, you are tiny then, Miss Sawyer. Now, is one of you going to explain because I am so confused" he replies in a soft voice, obviously wary of talking to me.

I sit and listen absently to Scarlett as she explains the story of me and whatnot for what feels like the billionth time, and I'm sure it's not the last I'll hear it either. "So wait, you still haven't told Mom and Dad?" Hunter asks after hearing the whole story, as I just look out the window at all the lights we pass. "No, please don't tell them. We are supposed to be having dinner at mine tomorrow, which you're coming to, and I'm going to tell them then. Vanessa, Christian and Adrian are coming too," she replies as Hunter turns into a car park.

There was a giant golden 'M' outside; as we pulled around the building, Hunter rolled his window down before turning to us. "What can I get you, girls?" He asked, glancing back at us with a tilted head. "I'll have whatever your having, and Sawyer will have..." she trails off, looking down at me. "Baby, do you want a cheeseburger, a hamburger of nuggets?" She asks, pushing some hair out of my eyes. I think for a minute before looking to Hunter, talking as clearly as possible, "I'll have nuggets, please, Hunter." As soon as the words leave my mouth, I curl back into Scarlett.

I like Mcdonald's.

Chicken nuggets are amazing, and the happy meal, that's what Scarlett said my meal was called, came with a toy which I fiddled with for the rest of the drive.

We eventually pull into an underground car park. We go up super high in a lift before we reach what I think is the top floor. Scarlett gets us out of the car, Hunter following behind us as he grabs all the bags from the boot.

As we enter the apartment, I see all the windows lining the wall. I wriggle out of Scarlett's hold before hobbling over to see the view. Pushing my face close up to the glass, an amazed "wow" slips past my lips as I look out over the city, so many lights twinkling on the buildings. "It's amazing, isn't it tiny?" I hear next to me, making me turn to look at Hunter. "I've never seen anything like it," I answer back, not even thinking about whether he's safe to talk to.

Hunter seems nice, and he's nothing like Cooper or fake Daddy, as I have now coined my adoptive father.

"I want to explore it all. Can we go explore, please?" I ask, looking at Hunter pleadingly, all thoughts of being sleepy leaving at the sight of the city. I watch as Hunter's eyes widen as he tries to say no to my puppy eyes. "Please, Uncle Hunt," I say sweetly, going in for the kill. I watch as he nods before holding his hand out for me to take. I don't even think about it before I grab his hand and follow him as he walks over to Scarlett.

"Tiny, do what you just did to me to Scar. She will say no if I ask," he whispers loudly, making me giggle quietly. "Bet you five dollars; you can't get her to agree with us going out tonight," he says, actually whispering this time as I nod, shaking his hand quickly before I go back to holding his other one as we walk over to Scarlett.

"Scarlett, Hunter said he would take me to explore the city," I say in a sing-song voice. Watching as Scarlett smiles brightly at me and then looks at Hunter questioningly as she sees our conjoined hands, "he said we could go now," I say, jumping up and down the best I could on my casted foot. "Not tonight, princess, it's late. But Hunter can come with us to explore a different day," she offers, making me pout; I watch as Scarlett squirms under my puppy eyes, as I let fake tears line my eyes as I look up at her.

Knowing precisely what will get her to agree, I walk over to her, grab her hand, and look up at her. "But Uncle Hunt said we could go now. Please, can we go explore my new home, Mama?" I hear Uncle Hunt chuckle beside me as Scarlett goes to give in. "Fine, come on then, baby. We can walk around the block before bed, but we have to be quick. It's already nine, which is two am London time," she agrees, making me smile and jumping into her arms.

Returned to Sender - Scarlett JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now