please call me dad~

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Wait ... I still look like well,.... A evil demon ...
With that dipper pushed Mabel out the room and slammed the door and shouted "don't come back in unless I tell you!"
With that dipper began trying to get bill to appear to change him back to normal.The attempts went like this:
'Bill! Get here know!' That didn't work so he tryed a more friendly approach " bill can you please come here NOW!
Nothing ... Dipper really hoped he wouldn't have to stoop to this level but...
"Daddy would you please ,please, please !come and help me plz??" And he made his cuteist puppy eyes
And what would you know bill appeared rather amused if doritos could smile this would be one happy dorito .
Why hello there my lil-hm hem son. ~
"Bill can you please make human again ?"
Nope~ sorry I can't make you change species kid I'm all powerful but not that powerful sorry..~
"Well can you at least make me look normal?"
Hmm ok but only if ............ (Aww suspense lol XP)
Wh.... Ok fine Jeez he must have a daddy complex...
Yup I do problem?~
And if.. You want to go back to your true form .. Your ultra cool and scary form just snap your fingers and think about it ok bye bye son~
With that dipper strutted out of his room proud for once to be back in his noddle armed body as Mabel so bluntly put it .

(Edit I'm cringing at my past self)

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