i have wings?

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Why hello there pine tree ~
Did ya miss me?~
I new it you missed me ~
" what the hell did you do to me!" Dipper shouted angryly blue eye literally on fire however , luckily for dipper it doesn't effect him .
Oh I didn't do anything to you per say I just helped speed the prossess up a bit ~ nothing much ~
"What do you mean speed things up , you mean I was already a .. A monster ! "
Oh I didn't do that , just speed the maturity of your demon blood up so your powers finally awakened
" what! Your telling me I already had demon blood !"
Yup ~ ya see pine tree , wait no cipher tree~ your a half dream demon and your parents know it ~
Have you ever , wondered why they loved your meat sack of a sibling more than you?
" well i-"
Well I'll fill in the gaps you are MY offspring bore from your whore of a mother I needed a way to have a successor so what better way than to make one~
" no no NO No No NO NO NO !" At that moment black wings shot from dippers back they weren't physically attactched to his back but floated just next to it they were made from the same energy as bills hat .
Oh I see ,thats your dream demon symbol hmm~
" what do you mean" dipper looked at bil with fear
Hmm well cipher tree each dream demon has at least two and sometimes even three like me ,ya see cipher tree these little things rwbresent what you are like or what you are good at as a dream demon for me its making deals and from the looks at it you are good at taking people away to dream land ~

half demon dipper (discontinued ) this fic is dead.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora