Mabel's tears.

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The crowd that and been around dipper had long since dispersed not a person remained  only the dead body of Wendy and ..


Dippers pov 🌲

I turned to see Mabel her eyes red and puffy tears streaming down her cheeks ... My anger seemed to have faded away leaving guilt and regret ...

I looked down at my hands too ashamed to look at her ... I was a murder a demon and not welcome.

She was to perfect and what's  more with bill gone I had nowhere to go...Slow down dipper, this is BILL Çipher the all powerful dream demon hes immortal,how could I jave forgot that?had I killed Wendy for nothing ?

I could hear sobs echoing faintly around me Mabel... I...I' sorry.

Mabels pov 🌠

Dipper killed Wendy.

How could he?what had bill done to him?why?why?...maybe it was a accident yeah an accident I'm sure dip...would never do that if ... 

Dipturned round to look at me his eyes widened before looking down into the palms of his hands does he not want to looks at me?

Im sorry guys it took so long but hey here's the new chap.

Lov yah!

half demon dipper (discontinued ) this fic is dead.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum